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It's funny: Both Bandcamp and Patreon had the easiest and most straightforwardly long-term profitable business models imaginable: Sit between indie creatives and their fans, provide some basic services for mediation (comment sections, media posts, semi-global payment) and take enough of a cut of any payments to cover the costs and then some.

But because that business model wouldn't scale forever, they are instead being gutted, because ever _increasing_ growth is the only model capital accepts

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Mr. Completely

@pettter well said, and precisely why I'm encouraging people who are considering building post-BC replacements to go full Fediverse non commercial/capitalist, a pure FOSS platform with instances run directly by artists and labels on rented or owned infra, possibly with a Patreon style subscription/fanclub feature for stable income, but the point being no middleman at all, no corporate entity taking any slice, all transactions directly from artist/label to consumer.


@pettter I agree with your sentiment and I loved what bandcamp was doing

but, they didnt have to sell. they chose that.

Dark Side of Synth

Honestly, I've never understood why people got so crazy about Patron. Payment processor already take a chunk of your money, why bother with one additional middleman?
PayPal already offered donations, recurring donations, etc., and there are tonnes of other possibilities to get money and give services to supporters, then YouTube even implemented memberships...

Bandcamp has always been a niche for us musicians and/or very passionate fans. The average listener doesn't even know it exists

Honestly, I've never understood why people got so crazy about Patron. Payment processor already take a chunk of your money, why bother with one additional middleman?
PayPal already offered donations, recurring donations, etc., and there are tonnes of other possibilities to get money and give services to supporters, then YouTube even implemented memberships...

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