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It's funny: Both Bandcamp and Patreon had the easiest and most straightforwardly long-term profitable business models imaginable: Sit between indie creatives and their fans, provide some basic services for mediation (comment sections, media posts, semi-global payment) and take enough of a cut of any payments to cover the costs and then some.

But because that business model wouldn't scale forever, they are instead being gutted, because ever _increasing_ growth is the only model capital accepts


Incidentally, this also harkens to one of those times that Matt Levine Doesn't Understand Capitalism - he's been repeatedly stumped by why crypto firms like Coinbase or Tether keep making risky bets with customer money when they could just.. Not do that, and still make a handy profit from putting customer money into liquid rate-making bonds and live off the interested (since the customers see zilch of that).



I think the fundamenral misunderstanding is that Levine thinks of these crypto 'institutions' as classic capital - they get (more) money from owning things and managing funds, and should be fundamentally insulated from market instability - whereas the crypto people see themselves as a tech startup, meaning they should have YoY growth _every year_, which fixed-rate, liquid bonds can't necessarily yield.


@pettter I was disappointed to see it sold a second time to a music licensing company. Don't know much about them but hope they aren't there to change the way it works.

But Bandcamp is/was a great model and service to bands.


@arcadiarhod They've immediately fired half the company, unfortunately.


@pettter I read that today. But yeh as you mentioned perfect business. With a united workforce. But no one was thinking of the shareholders! Step one is always fire staff.

I just love the service and hope it can still serve it's purpose to the artists


@pettter @arcadiarhod if the staff that was fired would start a cooperative equivalent of bandcamp I'd back it.

Paul Bunkham

@pettter @arcadiarhod Oh no, I need to read up on that. Such a shame. Bandcamp felt like one of the nice indie companies. I didn't realise they got caught in the VC trap


@TheFerridge Half of bandcamp staff got fired yesterday. Patreon announced and then partially walked back pricing changes that would have massively impacted smaller creators.

Edan Osborne :flag_nonbinary:

@pettter @TheFerridge I knew it wasn't going to end well when Bandcamp first sold itself to Epic Games. Where am I going to get my legitimate MP3s now?


@pettter This SO much.

The thing about the phrase "ever increasing growth" is that if you don't think about it at all, it kinda sounds remotely reasonable. Like obviously incredibly greedy, of course, but capitalism gonna capitalism, you know?

But if you think about it even for a second, it's just abject insanity; the need to not only consistently make a lot of money, not only consistently make incresingly MORE money, but the need and drive to always keep accelerating the speed at which the amount of money you make increases.

It's like the grains of rice on a chess board from the old proverb; it's mind-blowing there are THOUSANDS of people in the world who fully expect they'll just keep increasing their dragon hoards exponentially in perpetuity ๐Ÿคฏ

@pettter This SO much.

The thing about the phrase "ever increasing growth" is that if you don't think about it at all, it kinda sounds remotely reasonable. Like obviously incredibly greedy, of course, but capitalism gonna capitalism, you know?

But if you think about it even for a second, it's just abject insanity; the need to not only consistently make a lot of money, not only consistently make incresingly MORE money, but the need and drive to always keep accelerating the speed at which the amount...


@shi @pettter well, same lesson from the pandemic โ€ฆ people need to learn what exponential actually means in practice.

Ben Aveling

@pettter @maegul @shi thereโ€™s nothing intrinsically wrong with exponential growth, as long as the exponent is small enoughโ€ฆ


@BenAveling @maegul @shi Even linear growth is bad if it continues on forever.

Ben Aveling

@shi @pettter @maegul we have plenty of time to worry about forever

Dr Ro Smith

@pettter This doctrine of ever increasing growth is just POISON in every way. I wish I knew how we could stop it dominating our lives.

Zatty :meowybara:

@Rhube @pettter Unions and Co-ops - worker control is the only available alternative to capitalist control, right now, afaict.


@pettter This is what happened to journalism in the USA. Newspapers and local stations that were stable, useful, and profitable were crammed into investment models that depended on big debt and accelerating profit growth. I can't help but think these disasters are on purpose - anything that supports making people think is a threat to the one percent.

64 Islands Airship Co-op

@spiegelmama @pettter is it greed, malice, or stupidity?
or maybe a board full of investors desperate to outrun inflation before the jackpot hits?


@pettter Lรฅt oss hoppas att de nya รคgarna gรถr rรคtt val med Bandcamp, vilket de kanske gรถr nu nรคr de har sparkat halva styrkan. ร„ven om det sรฅklart suger fรถr de som blev lovad nรฅgot som troligen aldrig fanns.

@pettter I think you hit the nail on the head with this and the crypto exchange comment. Capitalism is an insane suicide pact.
Kevin Riggle

@pettter first rule of organis(m/isation)s: if youโ€™re not growing youโ€™re dying

PVs- Artist Marcia X

@pettter i have never used bandcamp...but now that i am dj'ing and would like to explore possibilities of making money with it...

where do i go if a place like bandcamp is no longer *the* place?

bc i dont know if using my website is the way forward since i dont have a following that is large

if you dont know, no worries, im just curious


@CaribenxMarciaX I don't know of any particular place that has sailed up as The Obvious Alternative yet, but it might be worth remembering that from what we know, the layoffs at Bandcamp has mostly impacted the editorial side of things, so it might be that they are going to remain good for artists for a while yet. Certainly I think getting their hands on the whole catalogue was a major draw for Songtradr, so it's unlikely they'll antagonize artists as a _first_ step.


@pettter @CaribenxMarciaX and the problem of any replacement probably going the same way in 5 years?

Edan Osborne :flag_nonbinary:

@CaribenxMarciaX @pettter Maybe Qobuz? I don't really know.

If I start making music, I'll probably end up spread across SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube, PeerTube, and Audius, as well as a website, a Gemini capsule, and a few socials.

Thomas Depierre

@pettter i think the fundamental problem here is that capital that accept other models are eclipsed by capital that has to pay boomers pensions...

The rise of the 401k match boomers starting to fund their retirement and there is a reason it is that vast majority of capital markets today...

@pettter sorry but if youโ€™re deadweight you will be replaced or fired. Theyโ€™re jobs, not welfare checks.

@pettter I really hope someone builds a non-corporate Bandcamp even if this one doesn't completely tank under the enshittification.


That's not what killed Bandcamp. They died because Epic needed a service like theirs in their portfolio to claim a specific type of harm in a legal battle with Google over the Play store in order to bolster the rest of their case. They weren't subject to that type of harm so they had to buy a company, let Google punish them for owning it, then say "see, Google is doing this bad thing" in legal briefs.

Now that that court case is over, they have no reason to own Bandcamp anymore so they're selling it.

That's not what killed Bandcamp. They died because Epic needed a service like theirs in their portfolio to claim a specific type of harm in a legal battle with Google over the Play store in order to bolster the rest of their case. They weren't subject to that type of harm so they had to buy a company, let Google punish them for owning it, then say "see, Google is doing this bad thing" in legal briefs.

Now that that court case is over, they have no reason to own Bandcamp...


@pettter itโ€™s one of the many flaws in our capitalist system that we arenโ€™t allowed to talk about because doing so makes us communists, and thatโ€™s not allowed either.

Chris Jolly Holcomb

@pettter it's not enough to make money, you have to make More money, it's all so ridiculous.

@pettter Patreon is failing because it not only went woke, but tried to police off-platform behavior as well.
Yury Molodtsov

@pettter @maxeddy The same with Gumroad.

But itโ€™d have been very difficult to build these without outside capital, since they largely rely on network effects.


@pettter @alexcox

If neither survive the process, something will HAVE to take their place. The very reason they exist is to prevent killing the goose that lays the golden eggs- the only way creatives can still make a living with out being wrung dry and thrown away by some jackass in a suit.


@pettter Let me introduce you to Tom Nicholas and his video on why Patreon and financiers ruined it for everyone.


@pettter Is it so bad to make an engine that runs well? Rather than an engine that spins so fast it breaks.

Investors are a problem.


@pettter Thatโ€™s a shame! I didnโ€™t like Patreon too much, but I think it was mostly their player that I thought was lacking, not the majority of the service. I have noticed that growth is the only model capitalism accepts! And when the market is flat or goes down, people go bananas, and let their lizard brains take over.

Ami Moregore

@pettter ๐Ÿ’ฏ
but this is a reminder to us all that there's no good companies.


@pettter @chopaganda And what's crazy is that realistically, logically, ever increasing growth is not only impossible to achieve, it's literally killing our planet.

This is apparent, everyone sees it, but turns a blind eye to it because ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ถ๐Ÿค‘

Darryl Mott

@pettter Patreon I understand a bit better. Jack Conte didn't WANT to be the microtransaction crowdfunding app for indie creators.

He WANTED to be the Ticketmaster/Major Label replacement for musicians. Give Amanda Palmer $20/mo to get tickets to her shows and her new albums. But Trent Reznor and Tori Amos weren't interested and a whole bunch of indie musicians, artists, YouTubers, podcasters, comic creators, and more were.

And he's been pissed off about the accidental success ever since.


@pettter @Abstruse this type of accidental success describes so many different companies. Just take the W, dude.


@emilyk @pettter @Abstruse Which raises the question; to what extent the squillionaires just happened to be the lucky ones who stumbled into the right niche rather than the geniuses they're claiming to be. FB seems to have been. Musk (with lots of cash to fund him) another.


@terryb @pettter @Abstruse Seriously. They're not smarter than everyone else. They don't work harder. They're luckier.

Darryl Mott

@emilyk @terryb @pettter Someone described it as a carnival game.

I walk up and buy my dart to throw to pop balloons. I throw my dart and miss. But I can't afford more darts so that's it. I didn't succeed.

Someone rich shows up and throws a dart. Misses. Asks their parents for money to buy another dart. Misses again. Buys another dart. Misses. On the 114th try, he pops a balloon then starts shouting about how he's a genius at darts and the best ever and how dare anyone question his abilities.


@Abstruse @emilyk @pettter Sounds spot on to me.
Except, some may never even be able to get that first dart, not daring to take that risk because they've no background of self belief and no resources to waste, while others start with inflated self belief and can afford to take the risk.


@pettter Exactly what I have been thinking. Iโ€™ve been watching a video on Patreon, and it wasnโ€™t clear to me that it got much VC money.

It still isnโ€™t clear to me how much money you really need to run a Patreon-like business, especially when there is a steadyish income stream when things work. But there apparently must be perpetual growth which crashes at some point.


@pettter I have the long standing suspicion that this is why the German economy has a reputation of stability.
I feel that here, people take much more pride in providing a popular product or service and being reliable than a quick and easy path to adding more zeros to a bank account.
I feel, and that might be entirely subjective, that German entrepreneurs are more interested in building a legacy than cashing out.


@Yora I think you underestimate people from other countries, and the massive help the German economy has had from being in the EU and eurozone.


@pettter Yvon Choinard called this the โ€œcancer modelโ€ of business.

Jo Jitsu

@pettter Patreon could have made discovery better on the platform to increase everyone's income, instead they just added more marketing work for artists. Patrons brought in by artist efforts outside the platform & are therefore more limited.
It's a terrible platform imo.
Discouraging for artists trying to develop support. Only good if you already have support in which case their platform is giving them your time, income, & fanbase contact list for nothing. Either way, it's a waste.


@pettter going back to how badly and โ€” from the same founder/product teams โ€” tanked after their acquisitions, I donโ€™t think the goal is ever to create enduring products that make people happy, at least not once capitalized. Itโ€™s to be able to buy fancy cars and put stuff like this on your resume:

"PureVolume was sold to Buzz Media (now SpinMedia) in 2010, one of the web's fastest growing entertainment publishers and a ComScore top 50 property.โ€

Talya (she/her) ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ

@pettter rotting patreon may be king, but at least there's alternatives like Liberapay, OpenCollective and even Ko-Fi.
my only hope is that such platforms rise to compete with Bandcamp.

Mr. Completely

@pettter well said, and precisely why I'm encouraging people who are considering building post-BC replacements to go full Fediverse non commercial/capitalist, a pure FOSS platform with instances run directly by artists and labels on rented or owned infra, possibly with a Patreon style subscription/fanclub feature for stable income, but the point being no middleman at all, no corporate entity taking any slice, all transactions directly from artist/label to consumer.

J ฮ› M ฮž S

@pettter I agree with your sentiment and I loved what bandcamp was doing

but, they didnt have to sell. they chose that.

Dark Side of Synth

Honestly, I've never understood why people got so crazy about Patron. Payment processor already take a chunk of your money, why bother with one additional middleman?
PayPal already offered donations, recurring donations, etc., and there are tonnes of other possibilities to get money and give services to supporters, then YouTube even implemented memberships...

Bandcamp has always been a niche for us musicians and/or very passionate fans. The average listener doesn't even know it exists

Honestly, I've never understood why people got so crazy about Patron. Payment processor already take a chunk of your money, why bother with one additional middleman?
PayPal already offered donations, recurring donations, etc., and there are tonnes of other possibilities to get money and give services to supporters, then YouTube even implemented memberships...

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