Scittle: execute Clojure(Script) directly from browser script tags via SCI!
v0.4.11 released: you can now use re-frame from scittle!
You can play around with re-frame here:
Scittle: execute Clojure(Script) directly from browser script tags via SCI! v0.4.11 released: you can now use re-frame from scittle! You can play around with re-frame here: 🎉 Announcing 🎉 #babashka workshop with @lispyclouds RT @avelinorun thanks 🐘 #nbb #babashka #clojure #cljs #clj #clojurescript #opensource #foss A new version of edamame, a configurable Clojure parser is out! Wow, aha, apparently you can run npm deps with #deno now. $ deno run -A npm:nbb -e 'js/Deno.version.deno' $ deno run -A npm:nbb -e '(def response (nbb.core/await (js/fetch ""))) (prn (.-status response))' #clojure #clojurescript #nbbcljs Here's a #babashka script to turn a #clojure file with auto-resolved keyword (::foo and ::alias/foo) into a Clojure file with normal keywords It uses #cljKondo analysis for keywords and how they should resolve. A new release of #babashka fs: file system utilities for #clojure! You can call #nbbcljs from JavaScript to load a .cljs file: Also, a new version of rewrite-edn is: rewrite EDN while preserving comments and whitespace, using common Clojure functions. Check the changelogs: A new version of SCI (Clojure/Script interpreter) is out. Check the changelogs: A Ramanujan-esque take on JSON validation ^(?2)({([ \n\r\t]*)(((?9)(?2):((?2)(?1)(?2)))(,(?2)(?4))*)?}|\[(?2)((?1)(?2)(,(?5))*)?\]|true|false|(\"([^"\\\p{Cc}]|\\(["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4}))*\")|-?(0|[1-9]\d*)(\.\d+)?([eE][-+]?\d+)?|null)(?2)$ Rich Hickey's view on static types as a modeling language (similar to UML): 2. Loop unrolling: instead of (dynamically) iterating over the length of a collection, use a fixed number (1-20) of locals that you can refer to directly 3. Implement locals using mutable arrays instead of (immutable) hash maps 4. Remove dead code (duh!) Just published new releases of cherry (experimental CLJS to ES6 compiler) and squint (CLJS syntax to JS compiler): RT @goshatch Viewing transit.json diffs with #difftastic by converting them to pretty printed EDN just in time using #babashka RT @_wilfredh |