What I like about the http://bahn.de website is that it just does what it's supposed to and their UI / styling hasn't changed in years. Stay boring! #clojure is the most enjoyable programming language I've written that programming language in 🤣 @borkdude same. I often say it is the most fun I've had programming since logo. RT @ClojureStream @borkdude dude, I have one quick weird question, how do you share RT in here? Like, do you use an app or something? It's amazing btw Wanna diff two .edn files? (requiring bb 1.0.166 + bbin) $ bbin install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/borkdude/tools/main/ddiff.clj RT @pappapez deep-diff2 by @lambdaisland now works with #babashka RT @ericwastl AWS Lambda now comes with a Node 18 runner https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/node-js-18-x-runtime-now-available-in-aws-lambda/ It seems a breaking change happened to Chrome. I often type a word in the address bar, just to copy and paste an address I recently visited, without visiting that page. But now it only copies words, not the url. How can I reverse that? @ChromiumDev Babashka 1.0.166 released. The cognitect-labs test-runner is now fully compatible with #babashka! Changelogs: https://github.com/babashka/babashka/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md Blog post: Rewrite in Ruby 🤣 Consider other languages for your CRUD APIs. https://mdwdotla.medium.com/using-rust-at-a-startup-a-cautionary-tale-42ab823d9454 Sometimes it's obvious when you see it, yet it takes years for hypes to settle down and the masses realizing that these things are good but not silver bullets: - Design patterns 🔥 You think Nix is riding a hypetrain fr? I've been waiting for Docker and Kube hype to burn down for people to realize that Nix is much more versatile and solid. nbb (Node.js #babashka) now comes with cljs.pprint/cl-format: Did you know that you can build @graalvm binaries for macOS and linux arm64 on @cirrus_labs? It's awesome. It's used in these projects: https://github.com/babashka/babashka Just check the .cirrus.yml file in those repos. A fast way to upgrade your deps: neil dep upgrade neil is a CLI written in babashka that adds features / boilerplate around deps.edn projects How the #clojure community at large has been doing state management in React apps in #clojurescript and have been doing so since 2015 with virtually no breaking changes: re-frame. This is almost all you need to know: |