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22 posts total
Tucker Teague

Paloma the cat requested I share this glamour-shot of her for #caturday as a gift to you all.

As you can imagine, I couldn’t refuse.

Tucker Teague

I thought I would take a picture for #FensterFreitag but #caturday got in the way.

Tucker Teague

To prepare for #caturday, here's a picture of the Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner and writer, Le Corbusier with a cat.

Tucker Teague

Paloma is thinking #caturday might be a good day to go some art making.

Tucker Teague

In preparation for #caturday, here's filmmaker Wim Wenders with two kittens.

Tucker Teague

Paloma has just realized how much she has to do for #caturday. Hang in there kitty.

Tucker Teague

Paloma reminded me it’s #caturday by telling me that if she lies down on my notebook in front of my computer my life will be better. Who am I to argue?

Tucker Teague

Another Post-it note sketch of Paloma for #caturday.

Tucker Teague

I tried to draw a picture of my cat on a Post-it note for #caturday. Oh well. 😂

Tucker Teague

Ignatius Boëthius Squish (a.k.a. Iggy B. Squish) wishes to send everyone a message today from his “security pillow,” but he’s feeling unusually shy. So I’ll jump in for him and say I hope we’re all ready for #caturday.


Tucker Teague

Paloma reminded me it’s never too late to post a #caturday post.

Tucker Teague

Palloma wishes you all a Happy Lunar New Year as she contemplates her inner dragon.


Tucker Teague

In anticipation of #caturday, here's a picture of filmmaker Gus Van Sant and his cat.

Tucker Teague

Saint Francis the chug knows #caturday is coming soon and he hopes you won’t forget.

Tucker Teague

Paloma says, “Be true to yourself.”

Happy #caturday

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