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22 posts total
Tucker Teague

So... I'm watching Robert Altman's wonderful 1973 movie, THE LONG GOODBYE and I love the cat (private eye Philip Marlowe, played by Elliot Gould, has an orange tabby cat). And I'm thinking that cat is so perfect. How does one direct a cat? Is that even possible? But this cat is really good. So I research. Does this cat have name? Yes! Morris. And if you're of a certain age you've probably seen him before in the Nine Lives Cat Food commercials.
#caturday #trivia

So... I'm watching Robert Altman's wonderful 1973 movie, THE LONG GOODBYE and I love the cat (private eye Philip Marlowe, played by Elliot Gould, has an orange tabby cat). And I'm thinking that cat is so perfect. How does one direct a cat? Is that even possible? But this cat is really good. So I research. Does this cat have name? Yes! Morris. And if you're of a certain age you've probably seen him before in the Nine Lives Cat Food commercials.
#caturday #trivia

Tucker Teague

On this auspicious #caturday, our fearless Paloma wants to share with you one of her favorite quotes.

“Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed.” ~ Saint Francis de Sales

Take care of yourself as we end this year and prepare for the next.

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