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5 posts total
Danielle Foré

Installing Windows on the MacBook Air so that it’s hopefully no longer a $1000+ paper weight and maybe can be a machine for OBS and other streaming software and maybe Live2D and stuff

Danielle Foré

Haha oh god it restarted and the windows logo was there and I shuddered 😂

Danielle Foré

Stop promoting fascists and alt right extremists. Don’t link to their blogs or videos. Don’t let them speak at your conferences. Don’t have them on your podcast. Don’t amplify their voices.

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Jason Guess

@danirabbit And don't vote for them. If you can help it. lol

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@danirabbit I'm genuinely so tired of the whole "keep politics out of tech/whatever" thing. Tech is always gonna end up political because we live in a political world. Personally, I will *not* just idly let people who *wish me dead* rise to any position of power, or act like their beliefs don't matter (and if you are not LGBTQ+, see "First they came" by Martin Niemöller and think on it).

We cannot treat politics like minor disagreements any more. Sure, if we all agreed on basic human rights I would be more willing to leave people's politics be, but we are not arguing about inconsequential things, we are actively deciding whether we will respect human rights or let the world fall to fascism.

Fascist apologists or sympathizers are just as bad as fascists themselves.

@danirabbit I'm genuinely so tired of the whole "keep politics out of tech/whatever" thing. Tech is always gonna end up political because we live in a political world. Personally, I will *not* just idly let people who *wish me dead* rise to any position of power, or act like their beliefs don't matter (and if you are not LGBTQ+, see "First they came" by Martin Niemöller and think on it).

vozy 🎀

@danirabbit exactly. platforming them legitimizes them.

Danielle Foré

Self-neglect is not morally valuable. You are not obligated to deny yourself happiness. You deserve to be happy, to be comfortable, to treat yourself, to have people who love you selflessly. Let go of toxic shame and guilt and put yourself first today, please.


@danirabbit Never! I am shit and I demand to be treated like shit! You'll never get me!

Danielle Foré

Being a trans person means suddenly having to be an expert on endocrinology, fetal development, genetics, psychology, anthropology, civil rights law, and now the history of genocide, just to explain, justify, and advocate for our existence and experiences.

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@danirabbit as a biologist I always say: first of all, fuck what biology says, trans rights are human rights. It doesn’t matter what biology says because it’s not a matter of Science.

But no, genetics does not say those bigot things anti-LGBTQIA+ people claim.

[Yaseenist] luna luna :verified_trans: :therian:
Bigots: "two genders is simple biology!!!"
"Biology Basics" in university: "so there's like a dozen aspects that make up gender and it's not really clear cut..."

mia also, to be reminded time and time again that someone who won’t even see you as a person isn’t going to listen to you either

Danielle Foré

These kinds of little details and putting love into every corner of the experience are what makes working on @elementary OS so rewarding for me. Also, welcome back to Marius!

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