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70 posts total
confused anime guy

If a doctor told me i would die unless i stopped being mad about watchmen well i’m sorry doc but i had a good run.

Eugen Rochko

@evan I remember him as the phone holder I bought in some arcade shop in London in 2015

confused anime guy

Going to rap genius dot com for the latest taylor swift lyrics

confused anime guy

Questions? Problems? Concerns? Call us at 561-866-4173. this is my real phone number do not call it right now but you can text me if we are mutuals

confused anime guy

Making millions of dollars a day. How? I work in the U.S. Mint...

confused anime guy

Shoutout to flowless, mary, rico, dank,luigi and Extinct

confused anime guy

@Gargron you ever seen the movie the social network? with Jesse Eisenberg as Zuck? good stuff... A lot of lessons in there...

confused anime guy

John oliver - Start doing "NEXT week tonight"! Much more impressive if you would be able to predict the future

confused anime guy

Official Israel twitter account confirms the divinity of Jesus Christ, technically reversing two thousand years of rabbinical teachings, all to try to own The Tweet of God account

Eugen Rochko

@evan Why does the "Israel" Twitter account represent Judaism, though? There are Christians in Israel too, no? It's not like the head rabbi or anything?

confused anime guy

i hate to say that i was right to hold off on sharing the fundraiser links. gofundme scamming is so fucked lol and it almost always happens

confused anime guy

The closest i’ve ever been to a yacht was washing the windows on a really small one, just the outside windows, and i had to stop because it was raining... one day i will set sail like Elon

confused anime guy

Walking through Pan’s Labyrinth, unbothered by any of it

confused anime guy

The protagonists in godard’s movies and really a lot of french movies in general are always in a vague kind of danger. i can only assume that is how the french live their lives every day

confused anime guy

Between B*rbarossa, my ex-girlfriend, the squid pirate from hell, and general chumpfuckery, this has been a cromulent fuckcrustable of the day. Jacky needy drinky.

confused anime guy

What if there was a magical world hidden in plain sight, in modern-day New York City?

confused anime guy

The main reason I hate Zoom is because it ensured that the name “zoomers” for my generation is permanently set. etched in stone. no getting a badass name like greatest gen 2 now

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