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70 posts total
confused anime guy

I woke up this morning with chills...

Eugen Rochko

@evan Before you panic remember nobody cancelled seasonal colds, allergies, and other stuff

Eugen Rochko

@evan I have no curtains yet so every morning I get woken up by sunlight at like 8

I'm tired

confused anime guy

Tolkien Frequency (references a poster makes to lord of the rings)

confused anime guy

From a linguistic perspective “Metrosexual” doesn’t make any sense because it’s a play on heterosexual when the intended use of the word would seem to suggest it’s a play on homosexual, But anyway,

Eugen Rochko

@evan Is that when you want to fuck subway trains?

confused anime guy

LARS VON TRIER: I think I’m going to kill this horse!
ALWAYS SUNNY TITLE CARD: “John C. Riley Quits A Movie”

Eugen Rochko

@evan I don't get this but I like IASIP references

confused anime guy

Has anyone else ever seen the movie "End of Evangelion"? That's some crazy shit!

confused anime guy

I used to be a morning person before this. I would wake up, bang out a couple toots, drive to the library, finish up all my work for the day... shit was good. Now I’m a nothing person. It all just blends together and there’s nowhere to go...

confused anime guy

I almost got to go out by myself today but no. I miss silence so much lol

confused anime guy

Looking on urbandictionary and knowyourmeme trying to figure out the origins of “mispronouncing M. Night’s name ironically and racistly” pretty sure Tarantino started it but i need to check my sources there

Eugen Rochko

@evan Don't people do the same thing with Milo Yannocan'trememberlis and Benedict Cumberbatch?

confused anime guy

Going to the nearest new york bodenga (approximately 1000 miles away from my current location), corona virus be damned

confused anime guy

“Some late night writing:”

confused anime guy

Someone from on here had told me that a bunch of big accounts on twitter followed and unfollowed him really quickly after he went viral. Just saying we don’t do that here

confused anime guy

How are you on day 5 of quarantine 2 weeks into corona i think someone hasn’t been following the rules

40yo freshman college DJ

@evan I mean, I'm on day 5 of quarantine. And I go back to work tomorrow.

confused anime guy

Time stretches out in front of me. I’m going to be locked in this room I wish I had bought more stuff I wish i had saved the cash instead i wish i could make these people understand. I don’t even know. There’s something wrong about me being locked up here. I want a girl in here with me but even hypothetically i love and respect her too much to subject her to this. Cuck

Eugen Rochko

@evan I grow more concerned about you every day, Evan

confused anime guy

Fuck it i’ll write the winds of winter in quarantine. Prepare for the introduction of House Biden in the game of thrones universe

confused anime guy

I couldn’t even tell you what kind of european lars von trier is

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