I finally learned to use a todo application. Nothing is forgotten, ticking the tasks is enjoyable. Highly recommended! @bouncepaw You have my sympathy. :-) The most important thing about todo apps is to declare bankruptcy every 6 months. You will be tempted to store more and more lists, then soon you will be subscribing to PKM blogs. Was scrolling #Lynx docs for fun and learned about a legacy HTML3 <tab> element! https://lynx.invisible-island.net/lynx_help/Lynx_users_guide.html#Tabs Maybe it's time to get rid of the fishes on my wallpapers and move on to new ones. Just to update the mood! Me trying to get the textures right. #DecemberAdventure Image description for all four pictures: a rendering of a 3d mushroom with textures being very wrong. Ох, мне бы набрать долгожданные 512 подписчиков в моём телеграм-канале... 7 лет уже веду, хотелось бы набрать именно сегодня! Anybody got cool mushroom or fish .obj files with textures? I need them for a graphics assignment. Not mushrooms and fishes specifically were assigned, I just like them. Watching a Russian film. The pronunciation is so complex I barely understand what the characters are saying. I had to turn on the subtitles. But it's my mother tongue... Apparently we're having abnormally low temperatures now. -21 °C where I am right now. Is it abnormal really..? An SMS alert warned about -40 °C somewhere on the territory of the republic, now that's what I call abnormal! Looking at the #Wiktopher demo. The book says it's published in the sea and starts with a map and a linguistic introduction. Every other page has footnotes. I guess I'll have to read it then! Finished SCAVENGERS REIGN. It ended with a heavy Solarpunk vibe! Folks that like #pipepunk, #solarpunk or speculative biology should check it out! I don't like the whole psychic creature part. Too powerful for the setting and feels out of place. There could've been a different way to show Kamen's story. Also I didn't really get how Levi made the plants make microlevis. Gene modification? They've got the equipment for that? Selection couldn't have worked for sure. Something else? I missed that part. Cool Levi though. I want to see more of their art. Mobile Chrome started forgetting Basic Auth password every time. Yep, the time to migrate from it to a proper browser is around the corner. I was preparing for it: all my precious tabs were betulized, nothing is holding me. Besides the passwords. But I can always look them up. |
@bouncepaw my guess is because the protocol doesn't have encryption and has a history of exploits. https://book.hacktricks.xyz/network-services-pentesting/pentesting-finger for example.
@bouncepaw because raw socket libraries are harder to use than http libraries probably