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3 posts total
Brook Miles

I got an email about my Win32 programming tutorial (circa 1999) from a 12 year old girl whose hobby is making "programs in languages used way before i was born" ...

First of all yes, excellent, this is a good hobby.

Secondly, don't mind me, I'll just be over here crumbling to dust. :blobimfine:

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Petri Salmela

@brook I gave a Linux course in a high school few years back. I told the students about its history and mentioned DOS and Windows 95. And realized, that all of these students were born after the year 2000.

I felt old at that moment.

Syd Polk (he/his)

@brook @lisamelton I should talk to her about 65816 assembly used in the Apple IIGS and the Super Nintendo.

Brook Miles

I've posted a small update to my AUTHORIZED_FETCH write-up from last month to hopefully improve its clarity (particularly around what Suspend does and doesn't do), as well as covering an additional example situation which came up in recent discussions.


@brook Thank you, very clear write up.


@brook as someone who isn't very good with tech stuff, this was very understandable and easy to read. Thank you for the explanaition!πŸ‘

Brook Miles

I've seen a bit of discussion lately about Mastodon's AUTHORIZED_FETCH and DISALLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED_API_ACCESS settings and since I had a hard enough time myself figuring out what they do based on the documentation and Discord comments, I wrote up what I hope is a more approachable explanation.

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@brook thank you for taking the time to explain this. I've seen people talking about this but had no idea what any of it meant, so I truly appreciate you putting this out there.


@brook A great and badly-needed explanation, thanks very much!

One potential minor suggestion: for people who aren't familiar with web programming, "fetch" might be a term of art worth defining.

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