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Brook Miles

I got an email about my Win32 programming tutorial (circa 1999) from a 12 year old girl whose hobby is making "programs in languages used way before i was born" ...

First of all yes, excellent, this is a good hobby.

Secondly, don't mind me, I'll just be over here crumbling to dust. :blobimfine:


@brook that young lady has a bright future ahead of her! 🥰


@brook the .NET Framework was 12y ago. Wonder if she picks c# or vb

Nuncio Bitis 🏳️‍🌈 🇵🇸 🇺🇦

"Would you like me to sit in a corner and rust away or just fall apart where I'm standing?"


@brook third of all.. stay offa muh grass!


@brook it's times like these where the phrase "I diminish and will go into the West" comes in handy


@havoc @brook precisely. Or maybe Kauai. Who's to say?


@plinth @brook oh because casually and directly (or indirectly) mentioning Valinor makes me immediately ask them if they want to be friends; it’s basically my language for “Mellon!”

Magnus Runesson

@brook Time for me to make a list of programming languages 50+ years old.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@brook Before I was born there was Mercury Autocode ... and that's probably about it.

9Lukas5 | KE-GPP₂-E mZ | 🚂 🐧

@brook Ah look, that's how we'll have experts for these old industry systems way into the future 🤪

Steven Don

@brook I'll lend you some of my clouds... you're more than welcome to join me in yelling at them! ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ 🌤️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

Stormdancer Gryphon

@brook I once got a gig because I knew Macromedia Director. This was only a few years ago. Similarly, got a gig (many more years before) because I still knew how to navigate windows 3.1.

Ryan Finnie

@brook I've come to accept that I am now working with people who were born after 9/11. What is harder to swallow is there are adults in the world who have never listened to Tubthumping on the radio.


@brook It may cheer you up that C++11 is in same category for her.


I got an email once from a kid in japan and he asked why did you write that function and not use the built-in?
Answer: they hadn't put it in the language yet!
I feel you friend :-)
Once in irc someone said 'oh, gemlog, he's old as dirt'...
We may complain about getting old, but hey! It beats the alternative doesn't it? ;-)

Alaric Snell-Pym

@brook ha yes, at that age I loved learning new languages! Lacking internet access, I could just read the books on them in the library and dream. Although I did write my own crude FORTH and LISP systems, because those are easy to parse... Couldn't be bothered to implement a parser for anything with actual syntax 🤣

Pax Ahimsa Gethen


I had to go to @wikipedia to check to see if any programming languages from "way before I was born" (1970) are actually still in use 🙂 (answer: Yes, if you count FORTRAN in 1957)

rellik moo


somewhere around here @liw did a "what venerable computer technologies are still in use"

some languages came up there. certainly FORTRAN but also COBOL and Forth. I think I mentioned M/MUMPS

@brook @wikipedia

rellik moo


you can come over and crumble to dust along next to me if you'd like

Tim Newman

Yay but also wow, that's wrapping a compliment around a brick before you throw it at someone...

Sam Joan

@brook what! that is amazing!!! so cool to imagine a 12 year old girl writing win32 code :)


@brook @nixCraft that makes me want to install Borland C++ Builder 5 again, from the time when I started

Francesco P Lovergine

@brook Mmm, I presume that most of us could do the same, just being picky about languages, I could use Fortran, Cobol, Lisp, APL and a few others. Not bad.

Bernd Herd

@brook I'm still using an old application I wrote back in 1994 in C for Windows 3.1 API, now ported to WIN32 and WINE on Linux, compiled with mingw32.

I had to fix a few bugs in the mingw32 resource compiler.


@brook I learned Fortran as a teenager. The only good it ever gave me was during an argument with a 'community leader' of a gay nerds group where I was all 'while you were just discovering Pokémon, I was studying the architecture of Cray supercomputers and learning FORTRAN' but he didn't know what either of those things were so I didn't look as smart as I wanted to.


@brook One may crumble to dust progressively after their death, but their good acts, their legacy will remain, adopted by others. Through inheritance, we live on.
That is a beautiful act, albeit perhaps a tad... Aging, yes. :' )


@brook To be fair, there are few languages younger than twelve that get notable usage. Off the top of my head I can only think of Swift and Rust.

Brook Miles

this toot is really resonating with people... if there's one thing the fedi can get behind it's Feeling Old.

Taylor Drew :tokyo:

@brook It's always funny when you suddenly get information that places someone you've been talking to at a higher life experience than you. I turned four in 1999 LOL

Brook Miles

@mollymay5000 "higher life experience" is a great euphemism :blobovo:

Lately I've been thinking I really need to update my avatar, which greatly misrepresents the amount of grey hair I have. Now that I think about it... my avatar is 3 years older than the person who emailed me :blobupsidedown:

Taylor Drew :tokyo:

@brook I chose that way of describing it because I don't find age super important and unless people are very clear about their age or obviously teenagers/university students, I just act like everyone is the same age as me and act on life experience knowledge alone. I've only stopped being the youngest person pretty recently 😂

My avatar is also wrong. My hair is currently short and I'm about 15kg heavier too lol

Григорий Клюшников

At least thanks to Microsoft's insane level of backwards compatibility she can still follow that tutorial written for Windows 98 on 10/11.

Brook Miles

@grishka yep, it had been a while since I last checked, so I fired up the example project (which I last updated for Visual Studio 2008), and it built and ran fine in VS 2022 :blobcatspace:


@brook I was okay with that at first, then I did the maths to realize she was born at around _2012_, and then it really hit me 😅

That said, I love that not only she's learning stuff like that, but also that she sent you an email and all that. This kind of stuff makes me hopeful for the future.

Michael / Chgowiz 🎲🎲

@brook So... what did she want? Was it a technical question or more just to say "hi"?

Like's old langs, huh? She'll adore COBOL and RPG3, then...

Brook Miles

@chgowiz mostly just some advice on which compiler and OS versions of things to use

Michael / Chgowiz 🎲🎲

@brook It has been a loooong time since I went that route of things - is there anything freely available today that still works for Win32 programming?

Brook Miles

@chgowiz oh yeah, since i haven’t checked in years, i fired up the project files (last updated for visual studio 2008) in VS2022 and they built and ran no problem

Michael / Chgowiz 🎲🎲

@brook Nice, would someone be able to use VS22 w/out a license to work through your tutorial? I've not tried to get VS outside of work.

Brook Miles

@chgowiz yep, the different editions have varied their licenses occasionally over the years, but they’ve had fully functional free licenses for personal use since at least 2008, probably earlier. some are/were free for commercial use as well.

Michael / Chgowiz 🎲🎲

@brook Good to know! For some reason, I thought all VS versions were $$/license, aside from VSCode.

Brett Lorenzen

@brook Imagine how it makes those of us who had already learned and forgotten machine language, Fortran, COBOL, and Pascal by 1999 feel…..


@brook certified "I love internet" moment :yotsuba_pleased:

Petri Salmela

@brook I gave a Linux course in a high school few years back. I told the students about its history and mentioned DOS and Windows 95. And realized, that all of these students were born after the year 2000.

I felt old at that moment.

Syd Polk (he/his)

@brook @lisamelton I should talk to her about 65816 assembly used in the Apple IIGS and the Super Nintendo.

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