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56 posts total
ТрIIIтий Сергеевич
Время раскачивать актив на альтернативных инстансах, I guess.
ТрIIIтий Сергеевич

Господи, как же приятна чистая вода. Даже обычный Липтон, который, судя по ощущениям, собирают из пыли, оседающей на полу фабрики при производстве настоящего чая, предстаёт красивым тёмно-оранжевым с практически золотым оттенком если заваривать его на фильтрованной воде.

Липтон, заваренный на чистой воде, ощущается на вкус лучше, чем хороший чай, заваренный на обычной воде из под крана.

Именно поэтому тем, кто фильтра в доме не имеет, важно его не покупать, чтобы продолжать жить в блаженном неведении... ведь не только хорошее познаётся в сравнении.

Господи, как же приятна чистая вода. Даже обычный Липтон, который, судя по ощущениям, собирают из пыли, оседающей на полу фабрики при производстве настоящего чая, предстаёт красивым тёмно-оранжевым с практически золотым оттенком если заваривать его на фильтрованной воде.

Липтон, заваренный на чистой воде, ощущается на вкус лучше, чем хороший чай, заваренный на обычной воде из под крана.

SkullGamer205 :AwAtix:

@Lemonid Согласен.
В деревне (откуда я родом) вода всегда вкуснее, ибо она чище.
Из-за чего и чай на порядок лучше...

Да даже чёртов чефир, который я делал вместо чая лучше.
:blobcatcomfsip: :blobcatcomfsip: :blobcatcomfsip:

Мя :sparkles_lesbian:

@Lemonid я после того как заменила фильтры офигела, что воду оказывается может быть вкусно пить!

ТрIIIтий Сергеевич
Чуть-чуть не успел, был в двух шагах от поднятия инстанса на Плероме.

Все равно рад, что Удонгейн будет жить.
ТрIIIтий Сергеевич

In the beginning, there was a vortex of chaos.
All mixed slowly together, and everything was a blur.
One day, a large egg appeared in the center of the chaos. For a long time, the egg continued to shake.

Eventually, the vortex stopped, and the egg broke. The absolute god AUS was born.

The scattered fragments of the egg transformed into giants, and attacked the newly born AUS.
However, AUS quickly grew, and continuously defeated the giants.
At last, after a fierce battle, AUS defeated all the giants.

The wounded AUS created an alternate self.
As the left and right side of AUS’s body were different, it created two selves.
AUS gathered the body of the defeated giants, and poured its blood into them.

From the one who resembled his left poured out light, so AUS named it IA, the god of light.
From the one who resembled his right poured out darkness, so AUS named it EA, the god of darkness.

To the two, AUS commanded that the world be filled with people, and fell into a deep slumber.

Although IA and EA were different in appearance, they loved one another, were joined, and had many children.
However, there still existed no world, and their frail children, who had nowhere to go, died one after the other.
Though overcome with great sadness, IA and EA thought of creating a world where all could live healthy and prosperous lives.

IA and EA called their children REI, the god of eyes; AI, the god of heart; and HAI, the god of voice.

When REI open its eyes, everything that was there appeared. There was now contour and color in the world.
When AI wished for it, everything that was there could be felt. A sense of calm spread.
When HAI shouted, everything that was there trembled. A blessed timbre began to resonate.

To the three, IA and EA gave the seed of life and told them to nurture it.

The three gathered in a circle and prayed, and the seed sprouted.

The sprout quickly grew, and became the giant tree of life.
However, the tree continued to grow, soon filling the entire world, and no one was able to move.

The three asked Father IA and Mother EA for help.

EA and IA joined once again, and had three children.
The god of the sky, RAYQUAZA; the god of the earth, GROUDON; and the god of the ocean, KYOGRE were born.

RAYQUAZA wrapped its body around the tree of life.
GROUDON and KYOGRE slammed their bodies into the tree of life.
Eventually, the tree fell and broke into three pieces.

REI, AI, and HAI prayed, saddened that the tree would rot away like this.
Then, the pieces of the broken tree would transform into the sky, earth, and ocean.

RAYQUAZA became the pillar that holds the sky.
The shadow that reached into the heavens became the three gods who sustain the sky: KAIRYU, KABIGON, and BANGIRAS.
The air filled the sky, and the stars sparkled.

GROUDON became the land that covers the earth.
The roar of the diving land became the three gods who sustain the earth: DAABU, SAAN, and GOODON.
The earth shook, and the mountains stirred.

KYOGRE became the veins of water that embraced the oceans.
The ripples that disappeared into the seas became the three gods who sustain the ocean: LATIAS, METAGROSS, and LATIOS.
The ocean was filled with water, and the waves whispered.

Thus the world was born.

IA and EA, and the various gods, were very pleased with this, and filled this world with their children.

That peaceful world was a paradise for the children of god.

The children of god would continue to multiply.

Through that, words would change little by little.

Over time, the gods began would call those who lived in the world by two names.

The children of god who resembled the great father, IA, would be called “Pokémon”. The children of god who resembled the great mother, EA, were called “humans”.

The absolute god AUS will soon awaken, and seeing the world filled with its descendants, will promise great abundance and prosperity.

In the beginning, there was a vortex of chaos.
All mixed slowly together, and everything was a blur.
ТрIIIтий Сергеевич
hello bunnies, some news regarding udongein.
The instance *should not* be gone by 2025, some discussion and pondering has been made during past days.
To put it in a nutshell @drq is generously helping with the hosting infrastructure, and @yura is granted admin responsibility.
(don’t know how to quote a post any more lol)
hello bunnies, some news regarding udongein.
The instance *should not* be gone by 2025, some discussion and pondering has been made during past days.
To put it in a nutshell @drq is generously helping with the hosting infrastructure, and
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@duponin I confirm this.

I'm not having a friendly instance with a unique community just vanish.

So. I'm taking it upon myself to host I'm not going to be responsible for moderation or hands-on administration, first of all because I'm stretched thin as it is, second - I'm not qualified to do things the Udongein way - I might just ruin everything, and finally because I'm not an expert in how Pleroma operates.

But I will help Udongein the best I can so it sees another day. And who's better than @yura to lead it.

Still, me hosting Udongein can't be a permanent solution, so will be finding ways to further its presence, buying new hardware if we must.

For now, though, Udongein stays. Praise Naiji.

@duponin I confirm this.

I'm not having a friendly instance with a unique community just vanish.

So. I'm taking it upon myself to host I'm not going to be responsible for moderation or hands-on administration, first of all because I'm stretched thin as it is, second - I'm not qualified to do things the Udongein way - I might just ruin everything, and finally because I'm not an expert in how Pleroma operates.

ТрIIIтий Сергеевич

Udongein походу не доживёт до 2025.

Официальное заявление от duponin:

Если у кого-то из РуФеди есть здесь активный аккаунт ( cc @yura ), самое время задуматься о миграции.

Udongein походу не доживёт до 2025.

Официальное заявление от duponin: Хм, нет ли возможности передать кому-то хорошему бд инстанса, как, к примеру, это было с ЩПК, где сменилось 3 админа? ​:lain_stress:​

ТрIIIтий Сергеевич

С международным днём сырника вас!


#touhou #cirno #CirnoDay

С международным днём сырника вас!

ТрIIIтий Сергеевич

fedi does something absolutely wonderful that twitter will never, ever do for me.

it lets me get bored.

i'll scroll through my feed, check up on my mutuals, and once i'm about 15 minutes in without a good hook, i'm off again. i get to continue on with my life. it's delightful.

i'll end on that positive note. it's late, but it's cool and rainy out. i'm gonna get some sweet petrichor in my body 🍃

ТрIIIтий Сергеевич
masculine urge to solve nonograms on any accessible device (played too much mario's picross recently)
ТрIIIтий Сергеевич
Либо у меня что-то с интернетом, либо MML прилёг...
ТрIIIтий Сергеевич
@ru Пересижу пока тут, MML, похоже, слегка прилёг.
ТрIIIтий Сергеевич

Ну, погнали, чё.

С Новым 2024 годом.
ТрIIIтий Сергеевич
> ЦИК РФ единогласно отказал в регистрации инициативной группы Екатерины Дунцовой на выборах президента России.

> Таким образом она не допущена к участию в выборах.
Очень грустно.
А впрочем...
Ilich Ramírez Sánchez
Какая огромная потеря для страны. А кто это такая?)
ТрIIIтий Сергеевич
MML сейчас выдает 500, админы уже работают над этим.
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