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The Willow Sideloading protocol is a new protocol for securely delivering Willow data by whatever means possible. USB keys, email attachments, torrents, and other ad-hoc means make a “sidenet” we can use to deliver eventually consistent data using the infrastructure users already have.

Simon Repp

@gwil willow sounds really cool (and now even more so)! I read through some of the documentation previously and am tentatively pondering to build something on top of it in the future :)


Came by via @liaizon, and this image on a hypothetical ‘sync engine market’ caught my eye.

“This becomes very valuable because now you can have many “sync engines” — e.g. imagine “AWS Sync Engine”, “Azure Sync Engine” etc. — and when one becomes too expensive, or you stop liking it, or they change their terms of service, you can simply switch from one syncing service to another.”

I think we have good reason to believe that such a market would produce standards that’d be *impossible* to run without big companies at the heart of it all.

As a concrete example, look at Bluesky and their moderation market where the systems are simply too large and complex to be run by ordinary users, so if you want safety you have to *rent* it.

(^ for more on that, @lrhodes has a lot of good writing on this topic e.g.

Came by via @liaizon, and this image on a hypothetical ‘sync engine market’ caught my eye.

“This becomes very valuable because now you can have many “sync engines” — e.g. imagine “AWS Sync Engine”, “Azure Sync Engine” etc. — and when one becomes too expensive, or you stop liking it, or they change their terms of service, you can simply switch from one syncing service to another.”


@gwil @liaizon @lrhodes

"As a concrete example, look at Bluesky and their moderation market where the systems are simply too large and complex to be run by ordinary users, so if you want safety you have to *rent* it."

Ahh right, sure thatttt won't cause a problem down the road for allowing centralization of bluesky.

I think the nut of the issue is that big tech companies believe they can use AI to moderate... when moderation is probably one of the hardest problems to tackle with automation.


@gwil @liaizon @lrhodes
> But sync engines (in the context of local-first software) aim to do for data what React did for the DOM.

Um, I haven’t really kept up with the “local first” discourse, but this piece has opened my eyes to the fact that the Tech People talking about local first software have a very different vision than I do.


@gwil @liaizon @lrhodes haven't read up on how bluesky's moderation works, will have to read that one!


More than ever, we need networking protocols which are resilient, privacy preserving, bandwidth conserving, able to run on low-spec hardware, and not quite as preoccupied with being the global network for everyone ever.

We’re delighted to present Willow, a new family of peer-to-peer protocols that cater to just that niche. is a guide to those protocols, with full specifications, ~50 hand-drawn diagrams, illustrations, and comics, and much more besides.

Our thanks to @NGIZero for supporting this project!

More than ever, we need networking protocols which are resilient, privacy preserving, bandwidth conserving, able to run on low-spec hardware, and not quite as preoccupied with being the global network for everyone ever.

We’re delighted to present Willow, a new family of peer-to-peer protocols that cater to just that niche. is a guide to those protocols, with full specifications, ~50 hand-drawn diagrams, illustrations, and comics, and much more besides.

Ian Duncan

Really neat and lovely documents and diagrams in this! I noticed that you live in Den Haag like me! Want to grab coffee or something sometime?

Andrew Chou

@gwil amazing! so excited to dig deeper into this. already started reading the specs prior to this announcement, which are implemented in such an approachable manner 🤍


A condensed Earthstar update for January for your reading pleasure. v10's release, CinnamonOS, Dana and New Design Congress, and P2P Basel.


@gwil wow CinnamonOS looks amazing! Really nice illustrations too :) Really happy I stumbled upon this project

gwil This turned out great. A small browser chatroom in 80 lines, all web APIs (no frameworks). Thanks @andrew_chou!

A lot of people scoff at building 'serious' apps without a framework, but what if it's just that the apps we're building are too big?

Stitch together small, completely disparate applets like into an ecosystem of interoperable tools feels like an approach that's never been fully realised.


also: what if the expected audience for your app is a dozen people you all know by name?

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