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174 posts total
EredYasibu :flagancom:

Парадокс толерантности от отечественного Никиты:

EredYasibu :flagancom:

Со всех телеэкранов проздавляют с 9 мая, при этом на фронте воют русичи, а в тылу создают центр Ильина с Дугиным во главе и солнцеликий цитирует того же Ильина. Да, конечно, страна победившая фашизм и привносит антифашизм в другую страну.

EredYasibu :flagancom:

I'm an anarchist, I don't believe in voting, or that there is real democracy under capitalism. But some people say they do. They believe governors should be elected, and then judged after 4 years for what they did and what they didn't do. So it's very strange to see self proclaimed "Democrats" to insist that you must vote for Biden, EVEN THOUGH he actively supports a genocide. And in order to "save democracy" from Trump! I'm sorry, but you're hypocrites. You don't believe in this "democracy" either. You don't even want your party to be judged and be held responsible for its actions. The least that should happen to a president who funds and supports a genocide, is to not be re-elected. Is this the kind of democracy you support, one in which voters can't even judge their governors, but vote for them even if they don't agree, under blackmail? Screw that shit. Trump will win, and that's shitty. But Biden winning after all of this, would also be shitty. Capitalism is shit. Stop supporting your oppressors.

I'm an anarchist, I don't believe in voting, or that there is real democracy under capitalism. But some people say they do. They believe governors should be elected, and then judged after 4 years for what they did and what they didn't do. So it's very strange to see self proclaimed "Democrats" to insist that you must vote for Biden, EVEN THOUGH he actively supports a genocide. And in order to "save democracy" from Trump! I'm sorry, but you're hypocrites. You don't believe in this "democracy" either....

EredYasibu :flagancom:

@rf Интересно: соучредитель Twitter Джек Дорси покинул совет директоров проекта Bluesky — DeSoc-платформы, которую придумал и профинансировал еще в далеком 2019 году.

Йошильда :CrabVerified:

@EredYasibu хорошо, но слишком поздно

Konstantin Goncharov :teddy:

@EredYasibu @rf ушел делать еще что-то более новое?

EredYasibu :flagancom:

Владимир Зеленский поздравил жителей страны с Пасхой, назвав бога «союзником» Украины в полномасштабной войне с Россией:

EredYasibu :flagancom:

‼️ Big annoucement!!!

✅ Tusky 25.0 is officialy out, in F-Droid and Play Store 🎉 🎉 🎉

These are the main updates to this new version:

➡️ Support Mastodon translation API
➡️ Show post language
➡️ Improved screen transitions
➡️ Filter settings now moved to account preferences
➡️ Post stats now have a stable position
➡️ A lot off under-the-hood stability & performance improvements.

❗ Also, #Tusky 25.0 app is smaller in size despite having more features.

‼️ Big annoucement!!!

✅ Tusky 25.0 is officialy out, in F-Droid and Play Store 🎉 🎉 🎉

These are the main updates to this new version:

➡️ Support Mastodon translation API
➡️ Show post language
➡️ Improved screen transitions
➡️ Filter settings now moved to account preferences
➡️ Post stats now have a stable position
➡️ A lot off under-the-hood stability & performance improvements.

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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@Tusky is there a way to adjust the new post stats change so that it doesn't show 0/0 on every post without interactions, instead only showing x/y once it has at least one like or boost? it looks kinda awkward in long conversations where nobody's using those features. (and no I don't want to disable metric display entirely)


@Tusky unfortunately App crashing at opening after update 😱😭 on all devices!
Manual stop App and Clear Cache also doesn't help.
Only delete all data with loosing everything works, to get App running again.
Too sad 😢
Used it with multiple Accounts and any single one need to be setup again.

Draken BlackKnight

Any plans on supporting security keys (Yubikey, Solokey, etc)?

EredYasibu :flagancom:

Компания Nintendo добилась блокировки 8535 репозиториев с форками эмулятора Yuzu

Как говорится - nintendo контора п@@@расов

EredYasibu :flagancom:

Некоторое время я пробовал использовать twitter в качестве платформы для маркетинга моей игры и это было отвратительно. У моей игры есть страницы на и Gamekolt и трафик там маленький (из за качества моей игры, там просто нечего показывать), в twitter актива вообще нет.Насколько я понял twitter даже не показывал мои посты другим пользователям. Я планирую зарегистрироваться на и попробовать использовать его.

EredYasibu :flagancom:

“I don’t understand why everything is so fucked up and we seem incapable of fixing any of it!”

This is because you believe you live in a democracy when you actually live under capitalism.

(And it is functioning exactly as designed.)

PS. Not your fault; you’ve been taught your whole life that the two are complementary when they’re diametrically-opposed.

#capitalism #versus #democracy

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Bruce Cloutier


“I don’t understand why everything is so fucked up and we seem incapable of fixing any of it!”

I started reading thinking you were referring to technology. But in that case one would need to realize that it is fucked up in the first place let alone understand that it gets worse with every update and product release. Won't turn out good for civilization.

I imagine that someplace there are always coders using phrases like "it's good enough for government work".

...actually, the system cannot be fixed because the entire world system of govt, including legal, etc. ['control'] is the adversary's design, as this deficient, temporal, material cosmos is his, he created it, and his 'chosen', the professed satanist religious group members and their ilk, with the assistance of demon goat so-called 'leaders' run his show using all kinds of satanic, demonic created plots, e.g.-'money' for one - the system of printing from nothing, current[energy/power]-sea[over the masses] clown paper they all chase after, generating all kinds of personality traits of satan [greed, hate, murder, lying, selfishness, arrogance, false sense of power, etc.] - they own and control all of them, east, west, north, south, middle, but no worries, temporal, coming to a close...

The Secret Book of John

(The Apocryphon of John)

Translated by Stevan Davies

Three Plots against Humanity

They brought into being
Gold and silver,
Money and coins,
Iron and other metals and all things of this sort.

And the people who were attracted were led astray into troubles
And were greatly misled.
And grew old
Experiencing no pleasure,
And died
Finding no truth,

** the masses will never 'vote'/'vow' [etymology] their way out, no matter how hard they 'vote'/'vow' - Mr. T is also not who many think he is, beware to the Many:
...actually, the system cannot be fixed because the entire world system of govt, including legal, etc. ['control'] is the adversary's design, as this deficient, temporal, material cosmos is his, he created it, and his 'chosen', the professed satanist religious group members and their ilk, with the assistance of demon goat so-called 'leaders' run his show using all kinds of satanic, demonic created plots, e.g.-'money' for one - the system of printing from nothing, current[energy/power]-sea[over the...
Space Hobo Actual

@aral I know I keep dropping into threads to say this, and I have it in my profile, but it's important to think of "Capitalism" not as "free markets and stuff". It's actually a political system of rule-by-investor: those with the capital make the laws and pressure the executive arms that enforce them.

EredYasibu :flagancom:

Для меня одно из самых приятных вещей в программирование это когда ты пытаешься что-то сделать, не врубаешься не врубаешься, а потом как врубаешься и все работает как ты хочешь.


"Для меня одно из самых приятных вещей в программирование"

- всего лишь дофаминовое награждение, за решение задачи. 😁

Но согласен. Это самое приятное.

А еще бывает, бьешься над задачей часами, бросаешь, а потом за 15 минут все сделаешь. Кайф. 🙂

"Для меня одно из самых приятных вещей в программирование"

- всего лишь дофаминовое награждение, за решение задачи. 😁
EredYasibu :flagancom:

We are happy to announce Tusky 25 beta 1!

It includes translation feature, improved screen transitions, metadata display improvements and a lot of other improvements.

Catch it on F-Droid or Play Beta (soon) or get it from releases page:

EredYasibu :flagancom:

Что то заинтересовался Nostr, так что вот мой акк:

Если хочется узнать про ностр побольше:

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@EredYasibu чисто технически, искренне заблуждаться это не врать, так что если Пиноккио будет нести херню, в которую сам полностью верит, то и нос расти не должен...

EredYasibu :flagancom:

"Директор Учебно-научного центра "Высшая политическая школа имени Ивана Ильина" при РГГУ, философ Александр Дугин назвал появление петиции против названия центра операцией западных спецслужб, направленной на дискредитацию его как участника подачи обращения о финансировании терроризма должностными лицами США и стран НАТО."

Как по антифашистки!



"Научный центр ... не может носить имя сторонника фашистских идей"

"Требуем переименовать учебно-научный центр и устроить публичное голосование среди студентов за название ... политической школы."

Так вам просто название не нравиться, а против содержания вы не возражаете, так получается?

EredYasibu :flagancom:

Напоминаю всем линуксоидам (и не только), забывшим о трюках в консоли (и не только), о весьма и весьма неплохом ресурсе:

Множество неординарных решений для практически всех случаев.

Фильтрация вывода команд по дате, количеству голосов за, автору, теме и прочее.

Крайне рекомендую.

#Linux #terminal #console #shell #commandlinefu #tips #tricks #curl

**Пример команды**

Сохранить топ 2500 команд `commandlinefu` в обычный текстовый файл:

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Напоминаю всем линуксоидам (и не только), забывшим о трюках в консоли (и не только), о весьма и весьма неплохом ресурсе:

Множество неординарных решений для практически всех случаев.

Фильтрация вывода команд по дате, количеству голосов за, автору, теме и прочее.

Крайне рекомендую.

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