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107 posts total

Q: What should you do when you mail-ordered a motherboard but it doesn't boot?

A: Ask the POST office.


scientific computing code be like - 7000 lines of C in a single file.


CS in everyday life is when a traveling knapsack salesman needs to know how to best pack knapsacks before embarking on the optimal route. "When you gaze too long into the knapsack, the knapsack gazes back into you."


Literally me, except I'm not a cute anime girl. #animeirl


Q: What do you say when FreeBSD has a security vulnerability due to memory corruption?

A: Use-After-FreeBSD.


Literally me, except I'm not a cute anime girl and I'm not a goddess of the Internet. #animeirl


One day, a C++ programmer has a problem. They said, "I know, I should use templates." Now they have many different types of problems.


Literally me, except I'm not a cute anime girl. #animeirl


My favorite fun fact about the US military is that some old Navy FLTSATCOM satellites have been abused by Brazilians as free CB radio relays, e.g. by truckers to chat on the road.

These vintage 1980s satellites are nothing more than analog linear amplifiers without any authentication. It's open to everyone as long as long you can point an antenna at it, with a RF mixer at the right frequency. The military can't do anything. This audio recording is absolutely hilarious:

My favorite fun fact about the US military is that some old Navy FLTSATCOM satellites have been abused by Brazilians as free CB radio relays, e.g. by truckers to chat on the road.

These vintage 1980s satellites are nothing more than analog linear amplifiers without any authentication. It's open to everyone as long as long you can point an antenna at it, with a RF mixer at the right frequency. The military can't do anything. This audio recording is absolutely hilarious:


ChatGPT implies the existence of ChatMBR


Q: Why don't US lawyers print official documents on A4 paper?

A: Because it's not Legal.


Q: Where do Linux network administrators sit at work in an office?

A: At the iptables.


#TIL The C preprocessor is actually Turing-complete if you try hard enough. There's even the Order programming language, a functional programming language built entirely upon the C99 preprocessor, with first-class anonymous functions, partial application, tail recursion, reflection, arbitrary-precision arithmetic, and more!

Its author also found there were only two C compilers in the world that could run Order correctly, one was GCC, another was the Wave C++ preprocessor library, everything else violated C99 (and even C89) in some ways.

#TIL The C preprocessor is actually Turing-complete if you try hard enough. There's even the Order programming language, a functional programming language built entirely upon the C99 preprocessor, with first-class anonymous functions, partial application, tail recursion, reflection, arbitrary-precision arithmetic, and more!

Its author also found there were only two C compilers in the world that could run Order correctly, one was GCC, another was...

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