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6 posts total

> mastodon feels small and cozy. The idea of getting bigger I think bothers some people. "Don't take away my little cafe." Understandable!

Absolutely. That's how old school fedizens felt in 2016 when Mastodon joined the fediverse (mostly GNU social servers at the time) and newbies started flooding in from Titter, and then Tumblr.

But we coped. The verse grew.

It's how we felt again when Eternal Nov began;

But we coped. The verse grew.



> mastodon feels small and cozy. The idea of getting bigger I think bothers some people. "Don't take away my little cafe." Understandable!

Absolutely. That's how old school fedizens felt in 2016 when Mastodon joined the fediverse (mostly GNU social servers at the time) and newbies started flooding in from Titter, and then Tumblr.


We may have griped and lamented about the change in the vibe. But we never tried to stop other people using decentralised social network software from the joining the fediverse. Because that would go against the very nature of what it is; an open federated network, where nobody needs permission from a central authority to join.

I suspect most of the people objecting to a bridge from BlueSky have only been here a year or two. Otherwise they'd know better.



We may have griped and lamented about the change in the vibe. But we never tried to stop other people using decentralised social network software from the joining the fediverse. Because that would go against the very nature of what it is; an open federated network, where nobody needs permission from a central authority to join.


Those who were scandalised by @element selling encrypted @matrix communications services to cops, and suggesting XMPP as a replacement, you might be interested to know that...

"Conversations_im seems to be doing its job at the German Federal Police."



I totally understand the antipathy to the cops, believe me. I've been manhandled by them a fair few times, and people I know have had bones broken by them. Here's a video of one occasion when that happened:

(apologies for the ThemTube link, Goggle appear to be successfully blocking all Piped and Invidious instances right now. Also youtube.dl, so I can't even download the video and put it up on PeerTube. If anyone can manage that...)



"Copyleft was considered a cancer. But a cancer to what? To the capitalist consumerism killing the planet? Then I will proudly side with the cancer."



Chucho :gnu: :freedo: :guix:

@strypey @ploum I guess the ambiguity in the English "free" term was a RMS's failure. I don't know if the use of "libre" would have changed things but it would solve many of the confusions. I support the copyleft mainly because I don't trust big techs. They are stealing the knowledge in our faces and people just clap them.

I'm not sure if copyleft would have changed things because those companies just make a fork to the original project but at least the code must be libre too.


"Like a fragile naked human pyramid, we are simultaneously supporting and resenting each other. We bitch out loud about our soul-sucking job as an anonymous face on an assembly line, while at the exact same time riding in a car that only an assembly line could have produced. It's a constant contradiction that has left us pissed off and joining informal wrestling clubs in basements."

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Leave it to David Wong to deliver some uncomfortable truths.

I don't agree that "good vs bad" mentality is always useless though. It's not a good framework for when you have to *think and contemplate*, but you pretty much have to use it when you have to *make a decision and act on it*. Otherwise, you'll just freeze in the state of hesitation and confusion indefinitely. It's called analysis paralysis, and it's just as nasty as being wrong, if not nastier.


"I do not attribute malice to recent actions of Eugen (like making official Mastodon apps funnel new people towards, nor to past actions of Evan (redeploying on And I don’t think anyone should.

... That does not mean, however, we cannot scrutinize these decisions and should not have these opinions."


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