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4 posts total
Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

Hey it's been like 30ish years, is it time to bring back Moustachioed Space Knight Aesthetic yet?

The Doctor

@ifixcoinops Castle Greyskull finally got satellite.


@ifixcoinops Hasbro and Paramount have had a Rom the Space Knight movie in development for years now. Perhaps that will help pave the way if they finish it. I know Rom doesn’t have a mustache, but it’s a place to start

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

#feditip: add .rss to the end of most pages you see on a Mastodon server to get an RSS feed for your RSS reader.

Level 2: go about your day without internet, then in the evening settle down at your Computer Desk with a nice cup of tea to RSS-digest the day's shitposts.

Level 3: Aggregates your RSS feeds into epub format. Load the output onto your 2000's e-ink e-reader via USB cable. Sit in an overstuffed armchair with a nearby lamp, say aloud "Ah, yes, today's internet" and sip your port.

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Doug Masson

@ifixcoinops@mastodon.sociaLooks like I'm gonna have to go shopping for port.

Josh Kuhn

@ifixcoinops I plan to do level 3 except never actually get around to reading it, and in ten years wonder why I have this massive directory full of pdfs

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

I've not started a new general-purpose forum since PHPBB days, what's the current state-of-the-art and what are the personal recommendations of experienced Fediverse folks? Boosts appreciated!

Preston Maness ☭

@ifixcoinops I wouldn't call Lemmy --a fediverse Reddit alternative-- a perfect match for straight-up *forum* software, but I would call it the closest existing *federated* match.

Granted, the built-in time decay of environments like Reddit is in stark contrast to old-school forums, where pinned threads and user activity were the only drivers of what showed up for users to see.

I too am curious to see what the state of the art looks like these days.

#lemmy #fediverse #forum

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

I've been developing websites for twenty years and what the utter heck is this bloke even on about?

I understand about half of what he's saying and I understand that it's useless filler to make things run more slowly, and the other half I don't understand but I'm 95% confident that it's useless filler to make things run more slowly.

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

There's a distressing trend in computing where the computer tries to prevent you from having to know anything, and in doing so creates a LOT more work for you. I first noticed it when I was working with a content management system called Joomla about ten years ago.

A content management system or CMS is a kinda framework of scripts to (theoretically) make running a website easier. Instead of making a bunch of pages like about.html, faq.html, contact.html, tablesaws.html, you'd write your...

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