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8 posts total

Film photography is enjoying a comeback and Pentax is here to take advantage of the trend with its first film camera in decades. Our early impressions suggest Pentax chose its moment wisely.


Firefox browser developer Mozilla's latest commissioned research argues that Microsoft isn't playing fair when it comes to promoting use of its Edge web browser.


Here's an incomplete and unscientific explanation of why Mastodon is safe from Elon-style shenanigans, according to one of our writers.


Twitter has disabled users from retweeting, replying or liking tweets that contain a link to Substack. Users suspect it's because Substack is preparing its own microblogging service to rival Twitter.

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Phil Maeser

@PCMag it worked to prevent users switching to mastodon in vast majorities, hence why wouldn’t they try to block it upfront?
let’s see, I think Substack is already bigger and easier than mastodon was/is, therefore the threat is bigger

Kelson's Sorta Old Account

@PCMag How did this guy get so far with such a thin skin?

Григорий Клюшников

Did he learn nothing form the last time?


Twitter's CEO Elon Musk is now mocking a fired employee, who was unsure whether his job had been terminated. “But was he fired? No, you can’t be fired if you weren’t working in the first place!” Musk wrote.

Les Blazemore

@PCMag everything that goes wrong definitely isn't Elon's fault, that's for sure.

I still am predicting bankruptcy by the end of the year. He'll be lucky to make it to Halloween.


Twitter is shutting down free access to the company's API, which allows third-party developers and researchers to build apps and tools that connect with the platform.


A YouTuber in Japan experienced a different kind of phishing attack when pet fish took control of his Nintendo Switch, changing the account name, downloading a new avatar, and setting up a PayPal account.


Don't like the new look of Gmail? You can actually roll it back to the original design

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