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Felix Lechner

@wingo Unfortunately, the line length is limited. Here is my preambled-exec, for entire Guile snippets. It is an env on steroids.

Andy Wingo

thanks to a grant from nlnet / ngi zero core, i get to carve out some work time later this year to hack on the whippet garbage collector! more on this when i find how to schedule it, but i am really looking forward to the hack.

extreme organic gay

@wingo congrats. i think it occupies an interesting point in the design space. and i'm quite fond of immix.


Yay, congrats and thanks to @NGIZero I guess.

cc: @UweHalfHand

Possibly this could also be interesting for Wile and/or for using Wile in bootstrapping.

Andy Wingo

should you happen to be in the vicinity of the lovely lacustral lausanne, i have a talk this thursday about compiling to wasm/gc:

Andy Wingo

new blog post, in which i redesign my web site for the first time in 20 years

David Wilson

@wingo looks great! The old theme always reminded me of my early encounters with your blog probably around 2007

Ekaitz Zárraga 👹

@wingo nooooooo now i can't recognize it from the first look!

Andy Wingo

a wee update on @spritelyinst's compiler from scheme to webassembly ( -- we are perhaps 3 weeks away from feature-complete as regards the r7rs-small scheme report, and with a number of extensions (notably delimited continuations that compose with dynamic-wind and parameters).

today while working on an inline asm facility for use in the stdlib, i realized that since we have a wasm toolchain in scheme already, we can just parse little wasm modules. neat :)

Andy Wingo

all software has a time at which you start to question your life choices. with gnu make, it's always today

Ralph Giles

@wingo 'By the time I realized semantic tabs were a bad idea, I had 5 users and didn't want to break compatibility.'

Andy Wingo

new bloggies: parallel futures in mobile application development
in which your protagonist rounds up his survey series by looking forward to future developments: rust, the new web platform, and webassembly

Andy Wingo

imagine designing a new scripting language in 2023 -- like, literally, a language designed to script other systems. then imagine claiming "no first class functions" as a feature 🤔

Andy Wingo

new bloggies: approaching cps soup ~~
a text based on a talk given to @spritelyinst collaborators, on guile's unique compiler intermediate representation, straddling the line between ssa and cps, with a functional flavor

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