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4 posts total

lol Affirmative Action DC Mayor Bowser cryin' abt shelters being overwhelmed

: "This is a significant issue. We have, for sure, called on the federal government to work across state lines to prevent people from really being tricked into getting on buses."

Dictator Dave [DE]


maybe they could just keep them the fuck out of the country

she deserves all of them the feds in want these people they can keep them


Anyone remember "Chinatown"? Some excellent movies came out of the '70s


when all else fails the Liberals pretend to be morally outraged. Melania is a beautiful woman which they hate. No my body my choices for her! The same people are down with that vulgar sow who put out "WAP"


How dare she be a hottie when most Democrat voters are fugly or dead?


It's interesting how much envy plays in here.

@EmmaFaber I'm not sure how this ties in, but I think it might. The whole envy angle. People who envy a beautiful woman seem to want to destroy her, instead of just appreciating her.


The difference between USSR's Pravda and NPR is that citizens knew it was all lies and propaganda

NPR listeners take it as gospel.


I used to listen to NPR because the format is the best of all forms of radio at this point.

Then their Katrina coverage contradicted what I was seeing unfold in front of my eyes, and I realized they lie as much as Pravda.

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