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66 posts total

Every Fedi admin has a test server, some lucky one may even have a prod server!

@niconiconi both my insurance started as "just test servers".

Now they're temporarily permanent :02smile:

Q: Why can't an iOS app handle integers bigger than 2147483647?

A: They must be signed.


#TIL In USB Power Delivery mode, the USB-C connector can get so hot that it even needs a heatsink... #electronics #usb


#TIL The word "overkill" originated from the cold war nuclear arms race, its original meaning was "to destroy something with more nuclear force than is required."

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tali ❤💜💙 :mario_flop:

me trying to anything hardware related at work

akko I get sent into a laughing fit every time I see this ​:akko_giggle:​


@niconiconi o ye exploiting multi-wire branch circuits on split-phase systems


Circuits used in chip design be like, "a capacitor is not allowed, but you can use 100 transistors to build an extremely sophisticated active amplifier with whizbang compensation just to simulate the effect of that capacitor..."

Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged. #electronics


@niconiconi Ok fine you really want a capacitor? Here's a mosfet, go ahead and wire it up to be one


IT flea market in China is magic. For just $3, you get a 10 Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ Transceiver. Just got 10 modules. Sellers have hundreds if not thousands of them in stock. #libreops #electronics


Q: What do you call a programming language that only supports integers?

A: A pointless programming language.


Q: What can you say about the new UI after they added dark mode?

A: It's a night and day difference!

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