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654 posts total
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

just now thought about something

scratch, the 'language' for teachings kids the basics of #programming, has better first class support for async work than a bunch actual programming languages

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@1 oh hey, this one has joined the fediverse on my birthday! that's cool, i guess

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

☀️ Breezy Weather — приложение погоды для Android с открытым исходным кодом. Настраиваемое, с современным интерфейсом Material You, уважает конфиденциальность. По умолчанию используется открытый источник данных Open-Meteo, но доступны и другие.

Просмотр информации о погоде по дням и часам в пределах до 16 дней: температура, качество воздуха, ветер, УФ-индекс, осадки, влажность, давление, качество воздуха, предупреждения и другие. Приложение также предоставляет виджеты для главного экрана, живые обои, наборы иконок.

📥 Скачать:
- GitHub: (breezy-weather-vX.Y.Z_standard.apk) (нет авто-обновлений, используйте Obtainium ( для этого)
- F-Droid: (только открытые источники данных)
- Подробная инструкция по установке:

#android #андроид #androidapp #opensource #foss #weather #погода

☀️ Breezy Weather — приложение погоды для Android с открытым исходным кодом. Настраиваемое, с современным интерфейсом Material You, уважает конфиденциальность. По умолчанию используется открытый источник данных Open-Meteo, но доступны и другие.


А я вот пользуюсь rain из гитхаба, так как указал им на опечатку в переводе, и они её исправили)

Kool Tech Tricks

🌧️ Rain — ещё одно приложение погоды. Использует Open-Meteo в качестве источника данных. Имеет красивый современный интерфейс, но меньше возможностей.

Доступно в Google Play (, GitHub ( и IzzyOnDroid ( (сторонний репозиторий F-Droid). Версия floss не содержит проприетарных библиотек.

#android #андроид #androidapp #opensource #foss #weather #погода

🌧️ Rain — ещё одно приложение погоды. Использует Open-Meteo в качестве источника данных. Имеет красивый современный интерфейс, но меньше возможностей.

Доступно в Google Play (, GitHub ( и IzzyOnDroid ( (сторонний репозиторий F-Droid). Версия floss не содержит проприетарных библиотек.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

During lunch a friend mentioned that you can just supply a HTTP URL to vim on the command line and it would use curl to download that resource and allow you to edit the content. I jokingly asked whether if you enter :w it would then issue a HTTP POST back to the origin which is of course ridiculous.

It issues a PUT

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Tony Hoyle

Alas full vim doesn't seem that common. No idea what arch uses (vi is linked to ed somehow) and Debian uses vim.tiny which doesn't have any of this.


@conorh That's indeed the appropriate protocol for webdav servers (btw, other editors do the same, e.g.: KDE's Kate also supports out-of-box working with remote files. I use this a lot for work. One more reason why I prefer working on Linux)

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

:blobcattableflip: my tv just effectively bricked itself. nice timing too, it did that exactly in the middle of me trying to come up with an extra use for it

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

please stop using the “bot” account tag if the account is not automated. you are totally free to identify as a bot, robot, machine, etc.; i’m half a cat, i would know. but the bot tag is not intended for sentient beings (of any kind), it is strictly intended to identify fedi accounts that are run by an automated system (almost always a computer program) instead of a sentient being. it is important for many people to be able to identify automated accounts for various technical and non-technical reasons. you using the bot tag muddies the waters and makes such identification more difficult. many interfaces are starting to use “automated” instead of “bot” since that’s a more accurate term, but many don’t. i’d like if everyone had a bit more awareness of the fact that the former is the more accurate description and purpose of the tag and it should be used as such.

now go and make up your own role badges for sentient robots, that’s rad as fuck and i encourage it :neocat_3c:

please stop using the “bot” account tag if the account is not automated. you are totally free to identify as a bot, robot, machine, etc.; i’m half a cat, i would know. but the bot tag is not intended for sentient beings (of any kind), it is strictly intended to identify fedi accounts that are run by an automated system (almost always a computer program) instead of a sentient being. it is important for many people to be able to identify automated accounts for various technical and non-technical reasons....

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

so i was watching youtube vids at 15 fps on my orange pi zero 3 for a bit over two weeks, thinking its just not powerful enough to do 720p video decoding

turns out the devs just did not enable its GPU by default

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