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9 posts total

Do you know that the #EveryDoor, #MagicEarth, #Osmand #OrganicMaps -- popular navigation and mapping apps that uses #OpenStreetMap data are now available in #Huawei's App store?


Do you know that #OpenStreetMap's #JOSM editor is featured in the song, "Mapping the World"?

Check it out:



Do you enjoy mapping local #PublicTransport features in #OpenStreetMap?

Check out this thematic app to help make it much easier for most folks:

The app looks very friendly, and mapping these features will probably
be interesting and relevant for many @pinoy|s even if they aren't @osm contributors yet.

I guess we have a potential theme for the next #MapaTime thing. 😆


And here's a screenshot showing the summary of questions and answers related to a traffic light.


When editing #OpenStreetMap on the go, @everydoor is my hands-down favorite, but I'd hesitate recommending it for more new mappers.

I've been playing with #OsmGo just now, and really like how easy it is, maybe even for new contributors.

Plus, it's a progressive web app that runs in a browser, or installable in your device: , so this also seems to be a great candidate tool to introduce as a friendly editor for @openstreetmap mapping parties for new users.


The only problem I have with OSMGo is that when adding a crossing the software doesn’t merge it with a nearby way (as opposed to EveryDoor). Otherwise it’s a great app.


I use @openstreetmap a lot, via #OSMAnd+, and I'd love to give back to the map commons. The biggest problems I see are not with the basic data (streets etc), since the NZ govt's own map data is released under CC license, and updates to it are quickly imported into #OSM.

Rather what I see is outdated info about what can be found at a given address. Any advice of helping to update that kind of data? Is it part of OSM or other data commons used by OSMAnd+?



I use @openstreetmap a lot, via #OSMAnd+, and I'd love to give back to the map commons. The biggest problems I see are not with the basic data (streets etc), since the NZ govt's own map data is released under CC license, and updates to it are quickly imported into #OSM.

Rather what I see is outdated info about what can be found at a given address. Any advice of helping to update that kind of data? Is it part of OSM or other data commons used by OSMAnd+?


How often do you edit #OpenStreetMap using a small screen/mobile device?

Feel free to add a reply, to elaborate or share your thoughts about your favorite tools/apps for editing while mobile.

Please boost after you respond, to give more people an opportunity to respond.

Anonymous poll


Usually-Always (80-100% of the time)
Often/Frequently (50-79% of the time)
Occassionaly (30-49% of the time)
0 people voted.
Voting ended 2 Oct 2023 at 6:36.
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Ian Wagner 🦀 :freebsd: :osm:

@MapAmore fairly often but that’s because most of me edits are POIs. For anything other than this, basic tag edits, or task focused workflows, it’s not practical.

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

2 years ago: not often. These days: more than half of my edits are mobile. Mostly @MapComplete and sometimes @streetcomplete and super occasionally @vespucci_editor


Ruben Capiau

@MapAmore #StreetComplete is very convenient for mobile editing, but not suitable for adding new elements like roads or buildings.

#Vespucci allows for adding elements, but feels a bit clunky. Working on a small screen isn't advisable anyways for complex edit operations. Therefore, I usually make notes and edit on desktop for anything that is more complex than a simple POI. Never used the #iD editor on mobile.

I also use #OsmAnd for recording GPX tracks and creating OSM notes.


Looking for something easy to map on #OpenStreetMap in the #Philippines ?

Here's an easy #MapRoulette challenge to review gaps* in highway names with this #MapRoulette challenge:

*Gaps are unnamed highway segments that are in between two highways of the same name.


In a #sotm2022 presentations, #hotosm shared that two of Asia's top, community-led, open (geo)data mapping conferences is happening in the #Philippines next quarter.

The #Philippines' #PistaNgMapa conference is co-hosting #sotmAsia this November in Legazpi City, Bicol.


#pnm22 #OpenStreetMap


Happy #cakeday #OpenStreetMap folks!

9th August is celebrated by awesome communities around the world as the official anniversary [0] of OSM, that being the date the domain name was registered.

We're now 18 years old! #OpenStreetMap18

Congratulations, and thank you to all the folks who map it forward, for OpenStreetMap, and Free geodata.

Photo of a cake from #OSMBD #Bangladesh, the first community to celebrate #cakeday last week.



You probably heard of #OsmAnd, the swiss knife map app that uses #OpenStreetMap data, but do you know that there's a web-based interface, too?

Check out, and plan your trips with routing, and various map rendering options, while doing so in the comfort of your desktop browser.

It even includes weather forecasts, if you're trying to avoid getting wet for your weekend ride.

You don't even need to register for an #OsmAnd, or #OpenStreetMap account to use it.

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