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4 posts total
Xeovo VPN

Friendly reminder!

It seems like the Russian government decided to fully block WIreGuard and OpenVPN.

We once again remind you that for this occasion we have stealth proxies in place. Follow the guides and check our recommendations

We will use this moment to answer some popular questions...

Xeovo VPN

1. Why can I generate only 3 proxy keys? Does this mean I can use only 3 devices?

You don't need more than one key for proxies. You can use 5 connections at the same time. Does not matter which protocols you use.

2. Is it possible to connect to WireGuard/OpenVPN via stealth proxy?

No. You have to use stealth proxies as a standalone solution.

Xeovo VPN

We have recently received reports indicating that the Russian government has initiated the blocking of OpenVPN protocol, both UDP and TCP.

You might be able to connect, but the connection will drop within 1-2 seconds. Notice that some mobile operators/ISPs are still not blocking it, but the situation might change quickly.

If you are affected, please switch to WireGuard and remember to read our blog post about stealth proxies

We have recently received reports indicating that the Russian government has initiated the blocking of OpenVPN protocol, both UDP and TCP.

You might be able to connect, but the connection will drop within 1-2 seconds. Notice that some mobile operators/ISPs are still not blocking it, but the situation might change quickly.

Xeovo VPN

As long as WireGuard remains working, we don't recommend switching to stealth proxies.

Xeovo VPN

As the year comes to a close, we are excited to publish our transparency report for 2022. This report covers legal requests and how we handle them.

Xeovo VPN

Due to the new data law initiated by India’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) we are shutting down our servers in India, Mumbai.

This new law mandates all private VPNs, cloud service providers and other allied organizations to collect user data and store them for five years or more.

This law goes against our core values. We don't store or collect any data that could identify our customers and their online activity.

Alexey Skobkin

Looks like India decided to make use of best Russian practices 🤦‍♂️

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