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@joeycastillo where are my god damned figs

(i know where some of the orgies are but i can't dispute the notion that they're poorly distributed at best.)

Nick Poole

@joeycastillo Best I can do you is Fig Newtons and Pornhub


@joeycastillo we do, though, technically.

fresh fig.s (accompanying tables of data) are rampant in reports and presentation decks.

and every company, to lay off headcount, uses reorgynisation as an excuse.

joey castillo

I feel like every web site with a “Keep Me Logged In” checkbox should have a FAQ entry titled “Why Doesn't The ‘Keep Me Logged In’ Checkbox Keep Me Logged In,” and the answer should be “Because we hate you.”

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Jake in the desert

@joeycastillo yeah, they still can't figure that one out, huh. hahaha


On a particular website, if I don't check it, it randomly logs me out. Why would anyone want that? If I do check it, it randomly logs me out a lot less.

Oliver Kamer

@joeycastillo The answer is that logged in is not a binary state.

joey castillo

Truly cursed vibes in the city today. These are straight out of the camera, and true to what the eye saw; lab’s never looked more haunted.

joey castillo

I was riffing with my roommates about robots — the idea of a self driving car leading us to a self-riding bike, a self-reading book, a self-touching field of grass — when I suddenly remembered this Perry Bible Fellowship collab that’s not really online anywhere. Enjoy.

scrottie (he/him/they)

@joeycastillo Douglas Adams in the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy talked about that too [spoilers], with "electronic monks", that tedious things for you, with examples of voicemail that listens to tedious phone messages for you, VCRs that watch tedious television for you so you don't have to, etc. Electronic monks believe tedious things for you so that you don't have to.

joey castillo

Shippening weekend one wrapped up yesterday with 1,000 units shipped: 500 Watch boards and 500 temperature sensors, now securely at the Mouser warehouse in Mansfield, Texas. Shippening weekend two begins now. A box from Cyber City Circuits in Augusta is set to arrive tomorrow. In it: the 200 boards I need to finish out the Crowd Supply campaign. 200 sensor boards are already packed. Paperwork is filled out. Firmware is ready. Won’t be long now.

joey castillo

this also involved folding some more documentation inserts, and I'll never pass up an opportunity to post the paper folding machine.

joey castillo

Not my designs obviously — the iPhone UI is concept art called “iOS ‘86” by Anton Repponen — but I’m throwing some old school monochrome designs onto the Open Book’s screen, just as an exploration. (I don’t think these make a lot of sense fwiw)

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