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One thing that stood out to me at yesterday was that the "Back to the Trees" talk seemed to (accidentally?) deeply engage with the topic, without mentioning it at all.

When our little Malmö hub discussed PC we got stuck on how creating hardware is an inherently destructive process, and using what already exists is great, but not the same as the regenerative abundance that permaculture aims for. We didn't see a way out of that


The BttT presentation was about using computing to design a better system to learn to identify plants. One of its goals was to become "self-obliviating technology", meaning that the more you use it, the *less* you need it and the less you depend on it. In this case: the more you learn, the less you need the system.


@vanderZwan The original core topic in permacomputing is the utopian idea that computer technology, including its production mechanisms, could work in a regenerative way in the biosphere. With the main questions being whether if it is possible at all, and what it would be like.

I genuinely believe it is possible, but it would require a lot of changes/reinventions even on the very basic material levels. Therefore, most "practical" permacomputing concentrates on extending the lifespans of existing hardware.

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