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9 posts total
Felix Häcker

So folks, don't forget to check if your Ikea chair is compatible with your screen. I'm not kidding. A thread 🧵.

I've had the problem with my new screen for several weeks now, that every now and then the screen goes black for a few seconds.

Today I had enough and wanted to investigate the problem. So I started changing all the cables, plugging the screen into a different socket, and and and. Nothing helped.

#ikea #chair #hardware #weird

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@haeckerfelix Might this be somewhat mitigated by raising the relative humidity in your home?

Aurin Azadî

@haeckerfelix Okay … so I can tell that Markus is compatible with the Samsung SyncMaster 2443BW, as I never had that problem. 🤓

Felix Häcker

I am pleased to announce that #ThisWeekInGNOME is having its first anniversary! There has never been that many news as this week in the whole year!

#52 Happy Birthday!


Felix Häcker

GUADEC, Nautilus updates, new Libadwaita about dialogs, new GTK development snapshot, builder ported to GTK4, brand new Vala website, ... and so much more!

I am speechless how much happened in a *single* week! 🚀

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