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2 posts total

Whom do we have here? Let me guess, late for #caturday ? 😼


It's Wednesday, my dudes. And I have a confession to make: I'm an avid frog collector 🐸
No, not live ones — frog-shaped things.
I'm delivering on my promise to @metallcorn to share my collection. I'm too paranoid to shoot some parts of my place and I'm even more lazy to take all of them out and dust them properly so it's going to be just a low-res tease.
These are usually sitting behind glass in the wooden cabinet that even has light, but it's now littered with other small stuff an unattractive.


Some of them are fine, some are not, some came from distant parts of our planet, some were bought in a souvenir shop across the street. There are more, but it's pretty messy where they usually reside — it did look good when I just came up with the idea, now — not so much.
And yes, I have a frog painting. I have another one to be honest, but it's not easy to make a good photo of it that I'm comfortable with making now.


Some of them are fine, some are not, some came from distant parts of our planet, some were bought in a souvenir shop across the street. There are more, but it's pretty messy where they usually reside — it did look good when I just came up with the idea, now — not so much.
And yes, I have a frog painting. I have another one to be honest, but it's not easy to make a good photo of it that I'm comfortable with making now.

metallcorn 🐧


Афигенные жабы! Когда-нибудь ты откроешь музей жаб. Наподобие как в Зеленоградске есть музей котов. Иначе зачем прятать ? )

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