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15 posts total
Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

How do I go about deleting wikidata items about me?
Someone has added some personal stuff to wikidata that shouldn't be shared like that. I tried to remove it, but they keep re-adding it. How can I get this personal data deleted?
#wikidata #wikimedia

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

Remember that OpenStreetMap group possibly hit by a large slack bill? They've decided it's too much (~$10k) and will switch to the free teir.

10 years of OSM chat history are going away. 😢
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #FreeSoftware #HistoryRIP #Cassandra

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

For those behind the login wall, or looking at this after 28th April 2024, this is the message:


@amapanda FWIW, I believe that Slack still stores all the logs (but not uploaded files) for free plans and they can be exported by admins.

But honestly I think it's better if realtime chat is mostly-ephemeral. Nobody wants to read their kneejerk comments from 10 years ago. But it still sucks if people were assuming they could rely on them.


@amapanda but they still continue on a closed platform owned by a company instead of going to open tools like rest of OSM community..

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

Anyone going to State of the Map Europe, remember to download the maps for Antwerp. 😁

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

There's currently a wave of bots trying to vandalize #OpenStreetMap by replacing names (and russian langauge names) with anti-russian slogans. The #OSM DWG has blocked 5,000+ accounts already

😢 This is not the way people!

e.g. <>
#Ukraine #Russia #RussianInvasion

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@amapanda dropping rockets on farms, towns and cities is neither the way, so i guess this balances somehow.


@amapanda restriction on automated account creation using captcha might at least slow the problem getting worse. But I don't see that being brought up in the discussions.

Baloo Uriza

@amapanda Maybe this will start the powers that be thinking about drive-by SEO spam, too, since this just a more harmful form of the same thing.

Gustavo Soares

@amapanda @bdon I'm quite curious about the quality of the data, and if it can be imported (manually) it looks promising to be a complement to OSM

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

Do you often import data into #OpenStreetMap? You may be interested in this proposal to change the rules about where you have to make announcements (from email list to web forum).

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

“The Birdcage is lonely” - @openstreetmap engagement on Mastodon/Fediverse is streets ahead of Twitter.

After several months, it's clear. #OpenStreetMap is getting much more engagement on Mastodon/Fediverse compared to Twitter.

more details:
#OSM #maps #FediYay #gischat #geo

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

I've been paying attention to engagment of posts on Twitter & Mastodon for OpenStreetMap, and you can see how Fedi gets way more engagement than Twitter. And that's even with 1/10th the follows on fedi.

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

Welcome to the #Fediverse new mappers!

Did you know that the official #OpenStreetMap twitter account is automatically mirrored to the fediverse: @openstreetmap
#fediverse #TwitterMigration

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

Some mapping tasks if you want to help people in #Pakistan.
#OpenStreetMap #OSM


Around 30 million people and 1 million houses have been affected by the recent #floods in #Pakistan.

Support our project on the Tasking Manager to assist disaster response & humanitarian relief efforts!

See project 👇


Some mapping tasks if you want to help people in #Pakistan.
#OpenStreetMap #OSM


Around 30 million people and 1 million houses have been affected by the recent #floods in #Pakistan.

Support our project on the Tasking Manager to assist disaster response & humanitarian relief efforts!

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

Security TayTay says “Map on #OpenStreetMap


ProTip: If delivery people are always having problems getting to your place you might need to do some scouting on OpenStreetMap, which is the dataset that powers a lot of routing software. A street was incorrectly marked one-way near me and I fixed it now people don't get lost 💁‍♀️


Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

#OpenStreetMap has one tile rendering server for all of USA, and that server can no longer keep up with peak US traffic.

If you, or your company,are interested in hosting a rendering node in the US (or elsewhere), please contact us.

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@amapanda possibly. What do you need? A virt? Physical host? Are you able to maintain it and you just need a place and net connection to put it? What’s your need?


I mean, we can always host another, or push some of the US traffic to us, if you can handle the latency of serving from Sweden and nidhogg can handle the load. Our NREN tells us that north american traffic is cheap and easy for them.

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