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Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

There's currently a wave of bots trying to vandalize #OpenStreetMap by replacing names (and russian langauge names) with anti-russian slogans. The #OSM DWG has blocked 5,000+ accounts already

😢 This is not the way people!

e.g. <>
#Ukraine #Russia #RussianInvasion

Rihards Olups

@amapanda OSM data should ideally not be vandalised, but I guess the best way to solve this would be to help Ukraine defend and win as soon as possible.


@amapanda dropping rockets on farms, towns and cities is neither the way, so i guess this balances somehow.


@amapanda restriction on automated account creation using captcha might at least slow the problem getting worse. But I don't see that being brought up in the discussions.

Baloo Uriza

@amapanda Maybe this will start the powers that be thinking about drive-by SEO spam, too, since this just a more harmful form of the same thing.

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