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8 posts total

Hi everyone!

We've just released v0.14.0 of #GoToSocial! Say hello to the Spoiled Sloth :gtspat:

We're really proud of this release! It fixes a lot of longstanding annoying bugs, and adds some very neat features tooooo

Thanks to everyone who helped us with code and trying out release candidates and filing issues, and a big thank you to all our financial supporters who help us out via opencollective and liberapay :)

When upgrading to this version from a previous release, please note that there are CSS and HTML updates, config file changes, and several database migrations which may take a while to run! So please read the migration notes carefully :)

Release highlights:

- Account aliasing. You can now set the alsoKnownAs field on your account via the settings panel, to indicate other accounts you own. This doesn't do much now, but it's the first step towards the Move implementation for account migration coming in v0.15.0. We originally wanted to include Move in this release but it needs more testing so we pushed it back. Hang in there :)
- Much better thread sorting. Conversation threads on both the web view and client API use a new sorting mechanism which makes them way more readable. No longer will replies in a thread be scattered all over the place.
- Better HTTP signature support. We fixed a longstanding issue with including vs not including query parameters in signed GET requests. We now try (and accept) both methods of constructing signatures. Which leads to...
- Improved thread fetching. You'll see far fewer "orphaned" statuses in your timeline now, and you'll see more replies on statuses from other instances.
- Syntax highlighting for code blocks on the web UI. When you include a code block in your markdown now, and correctly indicate the language the code is written in, it will be syntax highlighted when rendered on your profile in the web UI. This requires javascript, but it's a progressive enhancement feature. Visitors to your profile with javascript turned off will just see the code block without syntax highlighting :)
- Improved "about this instance" page, with a link to the page in the nav bar. Previously the "about this instance" page was more or less hidden. We've now surfaced it better, so you can write all your terms and conditions and instance description stuff there. Relatedly....
- Parse instance descriptions and terms and conditions as markdown. Previously it was very difficult to properly edit these fields, because you had to read + write HTML to do so. Now they're parsed as markdown. This means you can more easily include things like blockquotes, lists, etc.
- Big refactor of HTML templates + CSS. We did a serious rework of HTML templates to fix indentation. Previously if you did "view source" on a GoToSocial profile page, you'd see a mess of sloppily-indented HTML. With this refactor, the HTML is now nicely indented and much more readable. We also did an accessibility pass and tested our HTML with various screen readers to try to make the web view a bit less annoying to navigate.
- First pass at a basic spam filtering system. In light of spam waves happening on the fediverse recently we took a crack at implementing a filter to drop messages identified as spam. This is still in the experimental stage, but it's included in this release so you can try it out already. See the docs for details.

Hi everyone!

We've just released v0.14.0 of #GoToSocial! Say hello to the Spoiled Sloth :gtspat:

We're really proud of this release! It fixes a lot of longstanding annoying bugs, and adds some very neat features tooooo

Thanks to everyone who helped us with code and trying out release candidates and filing issues, and a big thank you to all our financial supporters who help us out via opencollective and liberapay :)

Clairement crevée

@gotosocial interested in seeing what you do for reply sorting (and whether there is a possibility of paginating through them) 👀

also the antispam i guess


@gotosocial Congrats to the #GoToSocial team on releasing version 0.14.0! Your work on the project is noticeable, and the updates are really cool. The Spoiled Sloth is something new 😊

Thanks to everyone who helped with coding, testing, and support. Your contribution is important and helps make the network better.

Looking forward to new features and improvements you're planning in the future. Good luck with the development and further updates!


Hiya! We finished picking up the carpet and shaking out the bugs of 0.12.0 Spaghetti Sloth! Thanks for your help with the release candidates :)

Here are the notes for the proper release!

Release highlights:


This release brings initial support for different federation modes, starting with allowlist federation mode. You can now set your federation mode to allowlist, and then add and remove domain allows via the admin settings panel. You can read documentation on this feature here:

We revamped some other bits of the settings panel too, including adding a setting for the discoverable flag, which is documented here:

We also added settings for instance rules: you can now add and remove rules for your instance, and users on your instance can select rules that have been broken when creating reports. Rules are shown on the /about page for your instance.

And as usual we did a whole bunch of bug fixing, performance tweaks, and that sort of thing! It's a bit of a cliche to put that in release notes, but there you go.

We also started implementing some background functionality for poll support, but we didn't quite finish that in time for this release, so polls are not yet enabled. Next time!


Hiya! We finished picking up the carpet and shaking out the bugs of 0.12.0 Spaghetti Sloth! Thanks for your help with the release candidates :)

Here are the notes for the proper release!

Release highlights:


This release brings initial support for different federation modes, starting with allowlist federation mode. You can now set your federation mode to allowlist, and then add and remove domain allows via the admin settings...


Hello hello! We made the first release candidate for version 0.11.0 of #GoToSocial

Highlights for this release candidate:

- #Hashtags! Finally, hashtags federate in and out of GoToSocial as they should, and you can view timelines of hashtagged posts in your client app of choice.
- Account notes! You can now set, view, and unset your own private notes on accounts.
- Lots of performance stuff: we tweaked our cacheing configuration, increased the amount of concurrent database connections that sqlite can use, and more. Things oughta feel a teensy bit faster :)
- Bug fixes, bug squashes, bug err... obliterations.
- Probably some new bugs for you to enjoy.

You can find the release candidate at the following link:

As always, please read the migration notes carefully.

Thank you!

Hello hello! We made the first release candidate for version 0.11.0 of #GoToSocial

Highlights for this release candidate:

- #Hashtags! Finally, hashtags federate in and out of GoToSocial as they should, and you can view timelines of hashtagged posts in your client app of choice.
- Account notes! You can now set, view, and unset your own private notes on accounts.
- Lots of performance stuff: we tweaked our cacheing configuration, increased the amount of concurrent database connections that sqlite can...


How are lists going for people? Anyone try it out yet?


Heya, we did the thing!

GoToSocial v0.9.0 Spicy Sloth is out now 🌶️ 🔥

This release was fun to work on, and we hope you enjoy using it! The project is slowly and steadily maturing and getting better :gtspat:

Big thank you to all contributors, folks who opened issues, instance admins who let us know weird stuff was happening, people who seem to like the code, and people who give us money to write the code!

You can get the release from here:


- PROFILE FIELDS will now be federated. This means you can set key/value fields on your profile, just like other Fedi softwares already have, and they will federate in and out properly! It may take up to 2 days to start seeing fields on remote profiles, be patient ;)
- Kickass new layout for web view of profiles, including fields!
- Initial support for request tracing (
- "Subscribe" to an account you follow to receive notifications when they create a new post! (AKA "click the bell" functionality.) Very useful for catching posts of followed accounts who don't post very often.
- Automatic remote status refetching to get up-to-date replies + edits.
- Performance improvements for message sending: you can now configure the rate at which messages will be federated outwards, better spacing out CPU usage and avoiding issues with rate-limiting.
- Lots of caching performance improvements; things should feel generally snappier.
- Suspend accounts from right within the admin panel by clicking through from reports.
- We added a whole bunch of trans rights to the code 🏳️‍⚧️ The code has so much trans rights in it now. If you don't like trans rights, you won't like this code.

Heya, we did the thing!

GoToSocial v0.9.0 Spicy Sloth is out now 🌶️ 🔥

This release was fun to work on, and we hope you enjoy using it! The project is slowly and steadily maturing and getting better :gtspat:

Big thank you to all contributors, folks who opened issues, instance admins who let us know weird stuff was happening, people who seem to like the code, and people who give us money to write the code!


GoToSocial is getting a ton of attention lately. So I just wanna reiterate that if you're using GtS, you're using alpha software that has many features not yet implemented, and is chocka with bugs. We're quite proud of how the alpha development phase is going so far, but we make no guarantees whatsoever about stability, data loss, performance, etc etc. You use alpha software at your own risk.

There are many things you can do in Mastodon (and mastodon clients) which will 404 on GtS because they're simply not implemented yet. We are aware of what these are, and they're documented both in the roadmap document and in the faq in the docs. We're currently revising the roadmap document for the next year, so we'll have an updated version to share soon (tm).

Opening issues about features that we've yet to implement will not get them finished any faster: if anything, it will be slower because we then have to deal with answering issues. It is especially unwelcome to comment 'where is x feature' on an unrelated PR / issue. The cake is in the oven and it's not ready to eat yet, so stop asking if you can stick your fingers in it.

The team managing PRs and development and admin and planning and triage and releases and offering help in the help channels is 4 people, only one of whom (tobi) currently works full time on the project. While we're very open to PRs, feedback, and collaboration, we are also essentially just weirdos who like to be left alone to tinker with code, cuddle cats and dogs, and listen to music. This is home grown, open source software which started as a hobby project. Not a big company with support staff. Please be mindful of this when you're asking for support!

If you want to recommend GoToSocial to people, thank you, your enthusiasm is very appreciated! But please accompany your recommendation with the provisos I mentioned here, so that people's expectations are set appropriately. We don't want anyone to come to the software expecting miracles and ending up disappointed.

Phew, thank you for reading ❤️!

GoToSocial is getting a ton of attention lately. So I just wanna reiterate that if you're using GtS, you're using alpha software that has many features not yet implemented, and is chocka with bugs. We're quite proud of how the alpha development phase is going so far, but we make no guarantees whatsoever about stability, data loss, performance, etc etc. You use alpha software at your own risk.


Hello everyone! A new (well, old!) thing we’re trying out: an opt-in setting for exposing an RSS feed of your public GoToSocial posts!

If you look at this profile in the web now you’ll see a bright orange RSS icon that links to the RSS feed for this account’s posts. The feed contains the same posts that you can see via the web page, but in handy RSS format.

This means you can subscribe to the account using an RSS reader like Fluent Reader or Akregator, and never miss a public post again. Great for when you want to share your GoToSocial posts with people who don’t have a fediverse account (yet!).

Just to repeat: this is opt-in and disabled by default. If you’re running on main, you can enable this in your profile settings. Otherwise, wait for the next release ;)

Hello everyone! A new (well, old!) thing we’re trying out: an opt-in setting for exposing an RSS feed of your public GoToSocial posts!

If you look at this profile in the web now you’ll see a bright orange RSS icon that links to the RSS feed for this account’s posts. The feed contains the same posts that you can see via the web page, but in handy RSS format.

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