Hiya! We finished picking up the carpet and shaking out the bugs of 0.12.0 Spaghetti Sloth! Thanks for your help with the release candidates :)

Here are the notes for the proper release! https://github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/releases/tag/v0.12.0

Release highlights:


This release brings initial support for different federation modes, starting with allowlist federation mode. You can now set your federation mode to allowlist, and then add and remove domain allows via the admin settings panel. You can read documentation on this feature here: https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/admin/federation_modes/.

We revamped some other bits of the settings panel too, including adding a setting for the discoverable flag, which is documented here: https://docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/user_guide/settings/#mark-account-as-discoverable-by-search-engines-and-directories

We also added settings for instance rules: you can now add and remove rules for your instance, and users on your instance can select rules that have been broken when creating reports. Rules are shown on the /about page for your instance.

And as usual we did a whole bunch of bug fixing, performance tweaks, and that sort of thing! It's a bit of a cliche to put that in release notes, but there you go.

We also started implementing some background functionality for poll support, but we didn't quite finish that in time for this release, so polls are not yet enabled. Next time!
