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Toni Aittoniemi

@warandpeas To help a kid fall asleep, they should feel comfortable. Words and phrases they are familiar with are a great soothing presence. Wait what? 🙂

War and Peas 🧿

The book has been published for a week now and we have already reached some milestones 🏰

War and Peas 🧿

Such achievements are extremely important to us, even though book sales are generally handled by our publisher. Because they give us visibility and expand our readership. It also makes it easier to distribute books and reach even more people.

If you want to learn more about the book and order it, go here:

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George Wüst

@warandpeas The only thing lipstick does is make you look more like a clown. It is really a shame that animals are tested for that purpose.

Evan Prodromou

@warandpeas is she sad because she has no mouth and can't wear lipstick

War and Peas 🧿

Listen to our new podcast, exclusively on Patreon! Today's topic is Pet Peeves 👾

War and Peas 🧿

We are very excited to announce that the short story "A Job is a Job" has been published today, in our brand new book "Once Upon a Workday"!

Read it here:

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Tom Vanon

@warandpeas Fantastic work. And a proper celebration of Zombie Jesus Day '24 (bless your heart).

Un Bourguignon 🇪🇺🇺🇦 :firedoge:

Some may no like this strip very much ...

(I laughed though 😂👍🏻)

War and Peas 🧿

✨ This book is for those who are dissatisfied with their job, the world and themselves. Those who have the impression that they are facing an insurmountable blockade and whose battery is running low.

We see you and maybe a little change of perspective will help you to find a different way of dealing with these problems!

Potung Thul

Wait, the authors are even cuter than the comic. That's not fair!

If I buy it, will I become cute, too?

:) Good luck on sales.


@warandpeas Which retail channel gives you the biggest portion of the price? Is it possible to get the book directly from you or the publisher? Are you planning an e-book version?

Comb 🍯

@warandpeas We come in peace.. Or, as some could say...

We come in War and peas.

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Captain Packrat

@warandpeas One of largest and heaviest living organisms on earth is an aspen forest named Pando, located in the state of Utah. Aspens grow new stems from their roots, so all the trees within an aspen forest can be part of the same original tree. Pando covers 43 hectares (106 acres), weighs 6 million kilograms (13.2 million pounds), and is believed to be tens of thousands of years old. It has 47,000 stems, all connected by a shared root system.

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