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Tomas Ekeli

@derek don't tell them! there's "investment" to get :)


They know:

"Is there Mastodon stock or a way to invest in this growing social network? The short answer is no. There’s no direct way to trade this open-source platform. Not only isn’t the company publicly listed, it’s also non-profit.

But there’s speculation that Meta could be building a Twitter alternative."

What I don't get is if the short answer is no, which is the long one? Does Forbes know of an indirect way of trading the platform?

They know:

"Is there Mastodon stock or a way to invest in this growing social network? The short answer is no. There’s no direct way to trade this open-source platform. Not only isn’t the company publicly listed, it’s also non-profit.
Felipe :wyd:

@derek I have mastodon stock if they are interested in buying :amogus:

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