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Robert W. Gehl

@derek looking to apply Mastodon directly to your skin? Here's what dermatologists are saying


> Is there Mastodon stock or a way to invest in this growing social network? The short answer is no. There’s no direct way to trade this open-source platform. Not only isn’t the company publicly listed, it’s also non-profit.

I don't know what I expected


In the article:
Is there Mastodon stock or a way to invest in this growing social network? The short answer is no. There’s no direct way to trade this open-source platform. Not only isn’t the company publicly listed, it’s also non-profit.

Well, clickbait as usual

Tuomas Tammisto

@derek Oh boy :DD

Well, if nothing else, it reminded me to support my local instace.


@derek From the article itself:

Is there Mastodon stock or a way to invest in this growing social network? The short answer is no. There’s no direct way to trade this open-source platform. Not only isn’t the company publicly listed, it’s also non-profit.

They even acknowledge that it’s impossible, the next paragraph is just “Meta could be building a Twitter alternative, invest in that instead!”

The whole article is clickbait.


@derek click bait headline

"Is there Mastodon stock or a way to invest in this growing social network? The short answer is no. There’s no direct way to trade this open-source platform. Not only isn’t the company publicly listed, it’s also non-profit."

13 barn owls in a trench coat

@derek I am once again reminded that Forbes contributors' pay per feature is directly based on ad impressions (in many if not all cases).

Gelt-Seeking Gastropod 🐚


I'm so old that I remember when their actual slogan was "Forbes: Capitalist Tool" and even in the NY Subway (& NJ Tubes) graffiti artists would rarely tag the ad posters because they were so incredibly boring.

Tane Piper

@derek the guy who wrote this, his name sounds like a STD you might pick up.

Why do these people always got to be making money on something?

Jacob Moena 🇩🇰

@tanepiper @derek funny, because "runke" in Norwegian translates to "jerk off" 🤗

Emelia 👸🏻

@derek LMFAO at this line “Could Meta take advantage of Twitter’s shakeout and copycat it in an effort to revive itself”

Johnny Akzam

@derek Okay so let's see how this thing works. Can I really write up to 5000 characters?

That seems like a lot, especially for someone wordy like me.

Derek Caelin 🌱

@johnnyakzam most servers limit to 500 characters. My own allows 1,000 characters. I think 5,000 is rare.

Chris Dolunt

@derek It's a clickbait title. It goes on to say:

"Is there Mastodon stock or a way to invest in this growing social network? The short answer is no."


Mastodon’s just hit over 1,000,000 active users, one-third of which signed up just in the past week. On October 27 alone, the day Musk finalized the Twitter deal, the non-profit social network gained 70,000 users.Did these people do any research at all? The Fediverse has had 6 million+ people long before the Twitter migration.

Ariane :btfly: Noxie

@derek they can invest in my hosting costs :girl_giggling:​

Theo Priestley

@derek I hate the clickbait, I hate it even more he's getting paid by the eyeball for it too.

Thea(?) 🏳️‍⚧️

@derek Its totally a bait and switch article. At the end they admit you cant invest in Mastodon stock XD

Shelenn Ayres
@derek There is a valid investment - by hosting a brand/community/org server - investing in the presence and the tech - donating to developers and contributing improvements.

@derek the whole thing boils down to a little over a paragraph really. I hope the author gets paid by the word 😂

Tomas Ekeli

@derek don't tell them! there's "investment" to get :)


They know:

"Is there Mastodon stock or a way to invest in this growing social network? The short answer is no. There’s no direct way to trade this open-source platform. Not only isn’t the company publicly listed, it’s also non-profit.

But there’s speculation that Meta could be building a Twitter alternative."

What I don't get is if the short answer is no, which is the long one? Does Forbes know of an indirect way of trading the platform?

They know:

"Is there Mastodon stock or a way to invest in this growing social network? The short answer is no. There’s no direct way to trade this open-source platform. Not only isn’t the company publicly listed, it’s also non-profit.
Felipe :wyd:

@derek I have mastodon stock if they are interested in buying :amogus:

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