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47 posts total
Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

I caught Shankly mid-sneeze and I cannot stop laughing at this picture

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

I should be eating lunch or watching a Lifetime movie or both or knitting or something, anything, but instead I got back in bed and am listening to podcasts

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

All you will get from me is cat pictures, selfies, and the most mind-numbingly mundane lifeposting, because no one will argue with me or think I am stupid or bad for posting this, I am safe here in my rut

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

On the one hand, I would like my brain to stop telling me to shut the fuck up, nobody cares what you have to say, but on the other hand, that's a really good point, a solid point

Eugen Rochko

@Pixley So many people would benefit from that kind of thinking

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

We got a new record player and Evelyn has already claimed it as her own

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

The only reason anyone follows me is that I'm a slightly less problematic version of the Aunt Karen whose posts you vaguely miss seeing on Facebook but it's not like you're going to go on Facebook to catch up with her

Eugen Rochko

@Pixley I don’t have an aunt Karen or a Facebook

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

Friendship ended with fire safety, space heater is my new best friend (selfie, ec)

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

I'm done taking pictures of Evelyn, I'm never going to top these

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

I'm not on Twitter and therefore genuinely have no idea why people are talking about Mr. Peanut

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

My brother is currently viewing a presentation that includes this pie chart

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

Please, if you are designing a website and putting all the "about" and "contact" links at the bottom, do not also put an infinite scroll of embedded Facebook posts in the page, I will never be able to click the tantalizing information I need

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

I hope there's someone out there who gets mad at my extremely ungroomed eyebrows every time I post a selfie

Eugen Rochko

@Pixley I do not know what "ungroomed eyebrows" means. They're there. They look fine. What else does anybody want?

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

Looking at posts from over a year ago and being sad about who's not here anymore but also happy that I have made other friends

Eugen Rochko

@Pixley Looking at posts from over a year ago and being sad over lost youth and innocence

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

Ridiculous that I have to run errands and go to work today, instead of just sitting under a blanket with this guy

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

I understand that I chose a very bad time to promote my newsletter but I was done with it and had to send it before I forgot

Amelia :skull_hearteyes:

Shankly is trying to ignore me yelling about nerds

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