I hate to say it, but to me this seems like a plausible way for Trump to steal the election: https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/little-secret-trump-johnson-election/
5 posts total
I hate to say it, but to me this seems like a plausible way for Trump to steal the election: https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/little-secret-trump-johnson-election/ I reserve the right to change my mind (again), but I’ve decided that I have been gongfu brewing shu puer wrong. What’s the point of short short shupu steeps, I wonder? No matter how hard you push it, it won’t bite, so why not give it at least a minute from the first steep on to develop a luxurious thickness? So what if you don’t get ten good steeps? Life is short, says I. Dear fellow anglophones: if the word “protein” seems too abstract, you could express the same concept by saying “egg white” in German (Eiweiß) or Mandarin (蛋白.) Mandarin actually has a form of the word (蛋白质) that signifies only protein, not actual egg white.) :awesome: @babelcarp in German if you write a backing book, egg-white might be correct and common. Protein in german is used in a chemical context to name that molecule family... So we use both based on context Months ago I posted that I was able to make great tea using the improbably mineral-heavy water provided by our Vienna hotel: https://social.tchncs.de/@babelcarp/110558982223531853 For years at home I’ve brewed tea by imitating Volvic water according to this app: https://babelcarp.org/babelcarp/fakemineralwater.html Now I’m using NYC tap with the app to match the Ca & Mg in Römerquelle, the hotel water. So far I like the results. I think the teas I’ve brewed give a richer texture. Can anyone recommend one or more survey articles on long covid giving due attention to effect size, statistical significance, and study quality? Boosts more than welcome! |
@babelcarp can't open the article, even with VPN. I don't know much about US politics, but, isn't the conclusion, that he's winning anyway?
@babelcarp fact is, the US system is much less democratic and much more broken than acceptable... it does not honor the real votes and is too fragil and has to many path's of manipulation. Single persons or a small group can just overrule ~450 Mio people?
This system is not future proof... if its not fixed or trump wins I guess the next "election" is more like in russia, turkey,... a Potemkin village. More a democracy simulation for the TV viewers.