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23 posts total
Ferris™ ♥️
./configure be like
checking if the universe exists... yes
checking if running in a simulation... yes
checking if the person reading this is a cutie... yes

Ferris™ ♥️
wondering about how the operating system runs multiple processes, like how it gives control to the process and takes it back when it's time to switch to another process

found osdev wiki

<-- suddenly interested in os development
Ferris™ ♥️
waiwaitwait ok I don't know anything about this and I just skimmed some webpage but correct me if I'm wrong

- the kernel keeps track of processes/threads
- running programs need to do syscalls to allocate memory and do other things
- when the syscalls happen it's the kernel's time to do things and it can decide whether to return to the calling process or to run other processes

is that how it works :akko_derp:

(got that idea from this paragraph)

> The other place you might want to update the amount of time a task has consumed is immediately after the CPU changes from user-space code to kernel code and immediately before the CPU changes from kernel code to user-space code's_Multi-tasking_Tutorial
there's a lot of buzzwords that I need to look up
this is interesting
waiwaitwait ok I don't know anything about this and I just skimmed some webpage but correct me if I'm wrong

- the kernel keeps track of processes/threads
Ferris™ ♥️
I forgot to get dinner
had too much fun writing code

vewy hungy mew~
Ferris™ ♥️
> It should be noted that the authentic Rust learning experience involves writing code, having the compiler scream at you, and trying to figure out what the heck that means. I will be carefully ensuring that this occurs as frequently as possible.

all tutorials should be like this, instead of hand-holding users through correct code
> It should be noted that the authentic Rust learning experience involves writing code, having the compiler scream at you, and trying to figure out what the heck that means. I will be carefully ensuring that this occurs as frequently as possible.

Ferris™ ♥️
having a schedule is nice, didn't strictly follow it bit it gave structure to today

I didn't just aimlessly scroll through YouTube today and actually got a decent amount of work done :yay:
Ferris™ ♥️
drop-in alternative to sudo but doesn't actually give you root
Ferris™ ♥️
my daily routine of tapping my pocket before going out saved me from a bit of a headache
almost forgot my keys
managed to get back in and retrieve it before the door latched
Ferris™ ♥️
The first two videos on my recommendations today. I think YouTube is a bit confused.
Ferris™ ♥️
time to dig through tmux's source and see how it works
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