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2 posts total
Dragan Espenschied

Cool idea for art schools: block IPs of Adobe license verification servers for one week each semester to simulate the future.

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@despens better yet, make them block adobe altogether, so that everyone's forced to use the alternatives (and no, procreate and ipads don't count as alternatives)

Miah Johnson

@despens similar idea, but block the license server for Matlab 😂

Kevin Boyd

@despens cool idea for coding schools: block access to StackOverflow and AWS (plus any service that uses AWS) for one week to simulate the future.

Dragan Espenschied

Hey all, anybody who could put me in touch with a WebGL developer that has some experience with 360° video? There is a group forming that wants to add this as a feature to PeerTube. We have some initial funding for a planning phase and would need feedback from somebody who knows a bit about different 360° projection formats and how to make them appear in a browser.

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