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🦊 Firefox Monoline ❤️

Out of procrastination, the day before my Political Philosophy exam, as if I had nothing better to do, I created 🦊 Firefox Monoline a tiny, simple, yet beautiful customization to the .

This customization has one unique purpose: everything in the toolbars is minimized to a single line.

Please, do share what you think!

For all of intensive users as I am, I believe it is game-changing.


🧹 Remove clutter and make Firefox toolbar as essential as possible 🚀🚗 Compact mode support⚠️ Preserve icons and functionalities for which no ⌨️ keyboard shortcut exists✅ Non-breaking implementation💡 Do you have a suggestion? Share it here)!

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🦊 Firefox Monoline ❤️

Out of procrastination, the day before my Political Philosophy exam, as if I had nothing better to do, I created 🦊 Firefox Monoline a tiny, simple, yet beautiful customization to the .

This customization has one unique purpose: everything in the toolbars is minimized to a single line.

Tommi 🤯

Per procrastinazione, mi sono deciso a fare qualche piccolo cambiamento all’interfaccia di e ho creato Firefox Monoline, che con poche righe di CSS comprime tutta l’interfaccia del browser in una sola linea!

Tutte le informazioni dettagliate sono su

Qualunque feedback è ben accetto!


@tommi how would it act with about 500 tabs in browser ? o.O


@tommi Cool! I've been using a monoline theme, but had to kind of botch it together. This looks a lot more refined, so will definitely check it out. At the very least, it's going to be more material for botching my own version. 🙃

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