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18 posts total

@djh #Android is an absolute disaster and it didn't need to be.


Kind of amused #Lisp has both wizards and high-tech aliens in its imagery.

Makes for a fun mix.

Shiri Bailem

@lispi314 @blacklight that's certainly one way to put it lol

I write Python because when I look at trying to write the same code in C or assembly... well, I definitely don't give enough of a shit for that lol


It kind of spoils the #aesthetic fun of exposed #cybernetics & #cyberware when you consider how much sand and dust is a problem without some sort of flexible protective covering over joints.

One can definitely mess with transparency but having nothing at all without some sort of mechanism to prevent foreign object intrusion is just asking for trouble.

Floaty Birb

@lispi314 There should be more art of cyborgs vacuuming themselves to keep the dust out of all their baroque exposed cabling.


@mcc @est If it isn't actually deterministic from the point of view of the simulation computer itself, then there is a growth.

There's also no particular reason to believe complex arrangements of matter in various areas of space aren't being continuously recorded for whatever purposes.

Anything else approaches anthropocentrism.


@blacklight @Natanox @lorq @cybeej In doing so however, we're now stuck with stringly typed data serialization & deserialization everywhere that constantly causes unnecessary complications and compute overhead.

Not that raw binary packing like XDR would be any nicer to work with, structured pipes/messages with said structure available from the pipe is much nicer to work with.

In other words, those "single tools that do one thing well" are simple-enough to harm composability instead of helping.


@blacklight @Natanox @lorq @cybeej Essentially, they ignored that "as complicated as it needs to be and no more" has a companion in "as simple as is practical and no more".


@Natanox @blacklight @cybeej @lorq Basically, (static) release builds should involve rigorous tree-shaking (to account for the lack of toggles) but none happens.


@marta Many places may have to go back to that to bypass encryption bans & quasi-bans that exist alongside warantless wiretapping bans.

It should be possible with sound modem software (such as soundmodem, direwolf or linmodem and some configuration or coding depending on which) and a TRRS jack or a splitter to manually establish a call on a cellphone (with the human interface) and then setup a PPP/SLIP (or other) connection.


@marta Of course the proper way is to either acquire PCIe phone connector cards or VoIP trunking, but those require money and are getting harder these days.


Remember, non-canonicalized paths are never to be used for anything on UNIXes.

They cannot be trusted.

Ideally, stop storing stuff in the filesystem and use a proper database. Odds are it'll perform better anyway (on top of the other consistency & reliability benefits).

This is prompted by the news of yet another exploitable path-based vulnerability.

#unix #linux #storage #PathSecurity #databases

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At least use a clear config file instead of an abominable cruelty called a registry.


@lispi314 A'ight, a'ight. Good thing I'm not sysadmining any more.


@Andres @jerry It really depends on moderatable scale and affordability.

Both depend a lot on the operators' living conditions. If you live somewhere with expensive utilities and low wages, you simply won't have either the time nor money to properly take care of the instance (whether yourself or by hiring moderators).

Does it ever make sense to have hundreds of thousands of users? Probably not, no.


Still amused that CDs, DVDs & Blurays are basically the closest we still have to punched cards.

With the main difference being they're circular and exclusively laser-optical now (and not made of paper, but that's a minor detail).

#DataStorage #Optical


@dekkzz76 I'll give it time to mature out of beta, but it sounds like it'll be competing with Akkoma/Pleroma.



i'd question it's timing on things like bookmarks lists & account portability


@maxleibman I'd be interested in their assistance for changing face.

The procedure is too difficult for me unassisted.


Pro-tip for admins: Enable users to access your resources through #anonymization networks.

The wider the use of #Anonymity tools, the more effective they get. Some use them for normal #privacy, others to stay alive.

Among the lowest friction for adoption are #Tor and #I2P. A #proxy network and a #mixnet, respectively. These are low-latency networks compatible with conventional TCP/IP protocols.

Allow the use of #API clients, so that fingerprinting of users is harder.


If you can afford it, consider running additional nodes on those networks (where useful and sensible - don't host multiple redundant nodes at the same physical site), #Tor and #I2P get stronger as they grow.

Make sure you can safely host a node and understand what it entails. In some countries, #Tor exit nodes are risky to run, in others they're not.

#I2P has no such issue in any country that doesn't ban anonymization networks entirely.


@thomasfuchs It'd be nice for beige boxes to, if not make a come-back outright, at least be purchasable.

Basically no one even /sells/ beige cases anymore.

I sure don't have the setup to safely spray paint one myself nor do I feel like paying additional hundreds to a painting company for what should be a cheap case.

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