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5 posts total

Good evening Fediversistas! End of a busy, pretty poor week, ending up with a short evening amble, M’colleague apparently limping a bit, although running around quite happily as well. He’s having a check up tomorrow, so let’s see.

A path going uphill, a brick wall painted with graffiti on the right and a hedgerow on the left, autumn leaves along the edge of the path, a cocker spaniel walking up the hill away from the camera

Buzzard back in the vale this morning, the pick of our #Nature spots today, apologies for the poor pic - other birds: house sparrow, starling, blackbird, robin, wren, wood pigeon, willow warbler, goldfinch, magpie, crow
Waterfowl: grey heron on the coots nest, black headed full infiltrating the mallards, mute swan, Canada goose, water chicken
Mammals: rabbit, grey squirrel
Insect: this massive caterpillar, possibly a tortoiseshell?

A buzzard on a tree in a grassy tree lined valley
A grey heron on a nest among reeds in an old mill lodge, a coot swimming in the background
Two mallard swimming toward the camera on an old mill lodge, a black headed gull behind them near a grassy bank
A large black hairy caterpillar on a dusty track in grassland

All about the waterfowl today, with another clutch of goslings joining the anarchosyndicalist collective. Mute swan, mallard, coot, water chicken and grey heron also among our #Nature spots.
Birds: house sparrow, starling, blackbird, nuthatch, goldcrest, chiffchaff, willow warbler, wren, robin, blue and grey tits, chaffinch, dunnock, magpie, crow
Mammals: rabbit, grey squirrel

Canada geese with six goslings on an old mill lodge
A pair of Canada geese with six goslings on the grassy bank of an old mill lodge
A pair of grey heron in a brook lined with steep grass covered banks. Up on one bank a low grey brick structure with a green builders bag of gravel on top
A female mallard on an old mill lodge with half a dozen ducklings a few feet behind her

Good morning Fediversistas! We walk out into a golden morning, beneath a pale blue sky crossed with vapour trails and veined with thin cloud; sunshine fills the vale and dances on the water of the lodge

An old mill lodge beneath a pale blue sky. The lodge curves to narrow at the far end, green trees on the right hand bank, and sunshine reflecting on the left hand edge of the water

Where to start with today’s #Nature spots? Two baby rabbits out in the mizzly morning for our mammals
A car went into the cut last night, missed the Canada goose nest by a couple of metres. Mute swan, water chicken, mallard and grey heron also spotted. A goose has also taken up residence on the cattle meadow, can you spot it? Outstanding in its field
Birds: house sparrow, blackbird, wood and feral pigeons, blue and great tits, robin, willow warbler, green and chaffinch, magpie, crow

A tiny rabbit sitting high up on a steep grassy bank topped with shrubs and trees
An old mill lodge with a path on the left back and a steep grassy bank on the right. On the right hand bank by the water a goose has nested, just beyond a dark scar in the grass where a car has rolled down the bank. A cocker spaniel strolls nonchalantly on the left bank
A small rabbit with a white chest sits at the foot of a fence post at the edge of a wood
A grassy hill with long brown grass at the bottom. At the top of the hill a goose’s head and neck can be seen stretching up
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