Good evening Fediversistas! End of a busy, pretty poor week, ending up with a short evening amble, M’colleague apparently limping a bit, although running around quite happily as well. He’s having a check up tomorrow, so let’s see.
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Open on HEAC 🏴Who we are:
We are the Hollins Eco Anarchist Collective, made up of Richard of Hollins, an ambling beardsman and occasional wordsmith and M’colleague Spaniel L. Jackson, The Dog
What we do:
Post stuff about ambling and nature so as to overthrow the neoliberal hegemony and establish a fairer, greener society based on co-operation and respect
Personal infoAbout:
Hollins Eco Anarchist Collective
Wall 5 posts
Good evening Fediversistas! End of a busy, pretty poor week, ending up with a short evening amble, M’colleague apparently limping a bit, although running around quite happily as well. He’s having a check up tomorrow, so let’s see. Buzzard back in the vale this morning, the pick of our #Nature spots today, apologies for the poor pic - other birds: house sparrow, starling, blackbird, robin, wren, wood pigeon, willow warbler, goldfinch, magpie, crow All about the waterfowl today, with another clutch of goslings joining the anarchosyndicalist collective. Mute swan, mallard, coot, water chicken and grey heron also among our #Nature spots. Good morning Fediversistas! We walk out into a golden morning, beneath a pale blue sky crossed with vapour trails and veined with thin cloud; sunshine fills the vale and dances on the water of the lodge Where to start with today’s #Nature spots? Two baby rabbits out in the mizzly morning for our mammals |