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21 posts total
Leonard Ritter

thinking about putting "undiagnosed" in my bio. then people would ask "undiagnosed what?" and i would just say "exactly."

Leonard Ritter

We have "global warming" and "climate change" as snappy titles for an important looming issue, but we also need one for the growing loss of jobs and the decay of job quality due to ever-increasing automation. At some point, machines will run nearly everything. It could become a humanistic utopia - but only if we elect leaders who recognize this social change as worthy of their attention, and start programmes to prevent their countries from falling into widespread and devastating unhappiness.

Anonymous poll


Digital Displacement
Fourth Industrial Revolution
Technological Disruption
Automation Crisis
0 people voted.
Voting ended 30 January at 11:35.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@lritter It's also important to recognize that automation is 1) inevitable as long as human ingenuity exists and 2) is not the enemy.

The ideology that prescribes that you need to have a paid job in order to survive is.

Leonard Ritter

i call all proprietary solutions "experimental prototypes", because sooner or later, they're going to disappear.

Leonard Ritter

another nice arithmetic operation for the polynomial rolling hash: computing the hash of replace operations without actually performing them.

Leonard Ritter

me: sorry but i can't sign this NDA

them: why not?

me: i signed an NDA that prevents me from signing NDAs.

them: wow. with whom?

me: i'm not allowed to say

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@lritter a lot of the time it should be "I can't sign that NDA, we have our customer data at cloud provider XYZ".
But I never heard that yet.

donut :alpine: :xfce: :clj:

@lritter I gave up a really solid job offer once because between the NDA and no-compete agreement I'd have to sign I would basically put myself out of a career field if I quit the job and wanted to work for anybody else locally; I practically would have had to move states.

That being said I've signed them and worked with them before. There are instances where it is very much needed because people can get hurt or killed if that info is not a millstone hung round the neck of those who manage it.

Leonard Ritter

program design epiphany: you can have as many implicit side channel argument-passing stacks in your program as you like.

Leonard Ritter

if trauma means approaching every person like the worst person you have met, then "tough" business people are masters at exporting their trauma as culture.

every "tough" business person started out open and honest, learned through their abusers that this position is called "naive", and then turned into a traumatized abuser themselves.

"sorry it's just business" == "sorry i need therapy"

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Capitalism is basically selection for psychopathy.

Leonard Ritter

finally got gin! mixed my first martini - with an olive! originally i thought my local supermarket didn't have vermouth, so we bought the martini brand, but now on a revisit i knew what to look for: basically any italian-style "aperitif"/"aperitivo" bianco will do. they typically suggest to mix it with gin on the back. that's how you know :)

Leonard Ritter

gotta say, gin ain't the vodka potato shit that i'm used to. a very nice flavored spirit. the original inspiration to make a martini came from grace & frankie, but now i read about the james bond version, and apparently bond also likes to replace gin with a grain based spirit. (what is sold here as "korn")

Leonard Ritter

for any two living beings, there's a single number identifying the number of parents and grandparents to follow until one arrives at their common (grand)mother. for siblings, that number is 1.

so there's a number for how much i'm related to a leaf of grass.

Leonard Ritter

what's the bathroom in the oval office called? toilet one? the big white telephone of the free world?

Leonard Ritter

respect parrots. they are quite intelligent.

Leonard Ritter

meanwhile I discovered a closed form method to stably extract feature points from under- or overdetermined hermite samples. It's almost done. :)

Leonard Ritter

@eniko i like this because then we can also naturally implement NIMBY and neighborhood patrols and all the other protofascist militia concepts, plus also the prince of bel air lyrics will fit better

Leonard Ritter

C is the doom of programming languages, in more ways than one ;)

Leonard Ritter

followed back all my former mutuals on twitter, if I have overlooked you, please let me know and tell me who you are on the other platform

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