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Leonard Ritter

me: sorry but i can't sign this NDA

them: why not?

me: i signed an NDA that prevents me from signing NDAs.

them: wow. with whom?

me: i'm not allowed to say

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@lritter I literally had that discussion...

And yes, that's real...

Megan Fox

@kkarhan @lritter how does this work with platform partners and such? Do they give up and let you in anyways, or do you get locked out?

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@glassbottommeg @lritter well, recruiters and companies have to roll with it, and they do.

Granted it only happened a few times and it mostly pertained clauses that illegally infringe on my right to seek professional consultation by a solicitor before signing.

Cuz I don't sign shit if I'm being hindered from seeking legal advice beforehand out of principle.

Kazii The Avali

@kkarhan @glassbottommeg @lritter one of my things i always say is if i cant see what im signing i aint signing and if i cant talk to a legal prof you gone.

π‚π«π’π¦πžπƒπšπ (bored)

@kkarhan @glassbottommeg @lritter I don't get it. Did an employer really make you sign such an NDA or do you just pretend you did to get out of signing other employers NDAs?

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@fathermcgruder @glassbottommeg @lritter well, I did sign NDAs that do also cover the NDA itself as well as the involved parties.

So I'm really not at liberty to speak about it unless forced via a written order signed by a judge in my juristiction that specifically names all signing parties and the NDA but by that time they'll already know everything about it already and thus only can seek confirmation.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@fathermcgruder @glassbottommeg @lritter and no, that's not some MIL/INTEL stuff...

I don't work for those!

Panama Red

@lritter "I could tell you, but then I'd be contractually obligated to kill you."


@lritter I wonder if that's something you could actually pull haha

Json Doh

@StaticR @lritter I can't see why not. It'll be just even if you get to work with them after it you're going to be a resource who refused to sign the NDA, an untrusted party. An annoyingly inconvenient resource compared to the other guy who did sign this NDA. A huge deciding factor at the layoffs.

Drew Naylor

@lritter The FSF should make freedom-preserving NDAs since they say stuff against them (which is one of the few things they say/do that I agree with).

ajuvo βœ”


"Discordians are not allowed to believe what they are reading, you know"


@lritter and you mentioned that there was another NDA - busted!


It's that cricket Jiminy, isn't it. The one who wouldn't let me go to Pleasure Island.

Ann Effes

Kein Problem, ist ja sowieso nur scheinbar kaputt.

(Im Gegensatz zu "anscheinend")

Stuart Gale

@lritter that deserves an all-3: boost, favourite, AND bookmark for later use :)

Ada :v_trans: :v_pan:​

@lritter Checks notes; ah yes, that'd give you an "Apologies, but we have decided to move along with other candidates"

Leonard Ritter

@iamada fortunately i signed the other (way much more lucrative) NDA

Marshall Eubanks

@lritter You may be qualified to work in a 3 letter agency!



me: sorry but i can't sign this NDA

them: why not?

me: i have this thing...

them: What thing?

me: We're calling it "a conscience".

w4tsn ~> :idle:

@claudius @lritter

me: sorry but i can't sign this NDA

them: why not?

me: that would be SPECIFICALLY in violation of another NDA

them: uhm, not sus at all?


@w4tsn @lritter
me: sorry but i can't sign this NDA

them: why not?

me: I can't tell you.

them: oh, interesting. Why is that?

me: You will find out soon enough.


@lritter a lot of the time it should be "I can't sign that NDA, we have our customer data at cloud provider XYZ".
But I never heard that yet.

donut :alpine: :xfce: :clj:

@lritter I gave up a really solid job offer once because between the NDA and no-compete agreement I'd have to sign I would basically put myself out of a career field if I quit the job and wanted to work for anybody else locally; I practically would have had to move states.

That being said I've signed them and worked with them before. There are instances where it is very much needed because people can get hurt or killed if that info is not a millstone hung round the neck of those who manage it.

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