Sitting in the sun is so nice!
It does make it hard to see the screen and get work done.
But it's just so nice...
2 posts total
Sitting in the sun is so nice! It does make it hard to see the screen and get work done. But it's just so nice... the sun is magic
7 Oct 2024 at 11:10 | Open on
AI = Automated Idiocy. These AI systems are very, very dumb. Calling them idiots is doing them a favor, they don't have any intelligence to speak of - they just have a massive corpus of data (of questionable quality and relevance), and the ability to create output that resembles that input. If you have a problem that can be solved by an automated idiot, lucky you! But beware the problems that idiots can only make worse. @HerraBRE On a side note, in LaVeyan Satanism, stupidity, is a cardinal sin. 99% of mastodon: AI is dumb, stupid, etc etc about 75% of stuff not on mastodon: |