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BjarniBjarniBjarni 🙊 🇮🇸 🍏

AI = Automated Idiocy.

These AI systems are very, very dumb. Calling them idiots is doing them a favor, they don't have any intelligence to speak of - they just have a massive corpus of data (of questionable quality and relevance), and the ability to create output that resembles that input.

If you have a problem that can be solved by an automated idiot, lucky you!

But beware the problems that idiots can only make worse.

Mix Mistress Alice 💄

Most folks are idiots, too, for giving validation to a technology named with an oxymoron.

On a side note, in LaVeyan Satanism, stupidity, is a cardinal sin.
Most of their members are not against having robots as servants.



99% of mastodon: AI is dumb, stupid, etc etc

about 75% of stuff not on mastodon:
I am a real person and today, right now, AI is useful in my work

shrugs, #mastodon is better then #twitter

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