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BjarniBjarniBjarni 🙊 🇮🇸 🍏

AI = Automated Idiocy.

These AI systems are very, very dumb. Calling them idiots is doing them a favor, they don't have any intelligence to speak of - they just have a massive corpus of data (of questionable quality and relevance), and the ability to create output that resembles that input.

If you have a problem that can be solved by an automated idiot, lucky you!

But beware the problems that idiots can only make worse.

Mix Mistress Alice 💄

Most folks are idiots, too, for giving validation to a technology named with an oxymoron.

On a side note, in LaVeyan Satanism, stupidity, is a cardinal sin.
Most of their members are not against having robots as servants.



99% of mastodon: AI is dumb, stupid, etc etc

about 75% of stuff not on mastodon:
I am a real person and today, right now, AI is useful in my work

shrugs, #mastodon is better then #twitter

BjarniBjarniBjarni 🙊 🇮🇸 🍏

@failedLyndonLaRouchite Oh yeah, we are definitely in a bubble here!

People on Masto are probably willfully blind about when AI is useful or helpful.

And people who say it's useful in their work... well, at least some of them are oblivious to the mistakes AI will cause them to make.

Everyone is right and everyone is wrong.

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