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123 posts total
AltTexter RU

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Иллюстрация. Изображение показывает рыжую лису, сидящую в кресле перед небольшим столиком. Лиса держит книгу в лапах. На столике стоит чайник, чашки, тарелка с едой и другие предметы сервировки. Рядом с лисой сидит маленький зверёк, возможно, мышь или землеройка. Фон изображения представляет собой комнату с книжными полками, заполненными книгами, и окном с видом на зимний пейзаж. Комната оформлена в классическом стиле.

📝 Текст на картинке

Не обнаружен.


Even on cold rainy days in the middle of December, you can find little yellow roses out in the wild here in Puddletown.

#flower #flowers #bloomscrolling


From mailcap.el:

Poor system types:
MS-DOS, Windows
(defvar mailcap-poor-system-types
  '(ms-dos windows-nt)
  "Systems that don't have a Unix-like directory hierarchy.")


Неиронично играю в гачу. Сенд хэлп.

A screenshot from Infinity Nikki. PC is standing in front of a vista waving at the camera.

Совок Два: Фарс Эдишн.


Was once again reminded of Ursula K. Le Guin's daily schedule, and why this woman was an icon on every single level.

#UrsulaKLeguin #Books #Bookstodon #book #Writing #WritingCommunity

Ursula Le Guin‘s daily schedule

    5:30 a.m. - wake up and lie there and think.
    6:15 a.m. - get up and eat breakfast (lots).
    7.15 a.m. - get to work writing, writing, writing.
    Noon - lunch.
    1:00-3:00 p.m. - reading, music.
    3:00-5:00 p.m. correspondence, maybe house cleaning.
    5:00-8:00 p.m. make dinner and eat it.
    After 8:00 p.m. - I tend to be very stupid and we won't talk about this.

This was Le Guin's daily schedule first appeared in an interview she gave in 1988 (and more recently reappeared in Ursula Le Guin: The Last Interview and Other Conversations).
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LM Little

@fringemagnet How did she create such brilliant books without exercising her body, going for a walk, hanging out with trees and the like?

Annie Hsh 👾🖖☕

Since the post on Ursula K. Le Guin's schedule is still getting traction, grabbing the opportunity to once again mention her blog, which she started at the age of 81, where, beyond her thoughts and her usual brilliant insight and writing, she als frequently shared many snippets and affectionate posts about her cat Pard, who, according to a recent update by the person currently maintaining her Instagram account, is now 14 and still doing well (


#UrsulaKLeguin #Books #Bookstodon #CatsOfMastodon #Cats

Since the post on Ursula K. Le Guin's schedule is still getting traction, grabbing the opportunity to once again mention her blog, which she started at the age of 81, where, beyond her thoughts and her usual brilliant insight and writing, she als frequently shared many snippets and affectionate posts about her cat Pard, who, according to a recent update by the person currently maintaining her Instagram account, is now 14 and still doing well (

Ursula K Leguin sitting on a sofa, with her tuxedo cat curled up near her, as she is lovingly leaning forward and petting him, the cat's head is slightly turned towards her and he clearly looks content.
Ursula K Le Guin leaning forward and gently petting her tuxedo cat Pard who is attempting to drink water from a faucet in the bathroom.
A tuxedo cat siting on a red carpet playing with a small catnip mouse toy.

The word "excellent" is derived from the Christian practice of giving up the use of Microsoft Excel for 40 days to commemorate Christ's sacrifice.

It is a period of great productivity.

The date of lent is calculated by using an obscure Excel macro on a field that didn't originally have anything to do with dates, but Excel converted it to one anyway.


#page42 #page42sentence2

Она сняла свой Rolex, учащённо дыша.


Правила игры:

- Возьмите ближайшую книгу.
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- Не берите свою любимую, лучшую или остроумную книгу. Берите ту, что под рукой.


Интересно, является ли лозунг "сделать россию федерацией!" пропагандой лгбт?

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This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.


Мне хочется кому-то сообщить, что я выпил треть бутылки вина. Сообщаю.

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