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Fesshole 🧻

Whenever some reply guy gives me his tedious opinion, I say "Whoa! That's interesting. Tell me more?" Then I mute them. Some of them carry on replying for months. I like to think it stops them bothering others.


@fesshole It doesn't but good work nonetheless!

Kierkegaanks regretfully

@fesshole gasping from the lack of petty divorces and coprophiles in this conveyed fess 👍🏻


@fesshole Whoa! That's interesting. Tell me more?

Fesshole 🧻

My girlfriend knows I'm a SciFi fan and she recently discussed dressing up, suggesting, obviously, the Princess Leia slave outfit. Now, I'm not unreceptive, but I'd rather she wore Colin Baker's multi-coloured sixth Doctor's coat—though I'm not sure if I should tell her.

Developing Stacy


Start with something you can show an example of and work your way there slowly, this iconic look was 2 generations earlier.

Fesshole 🧻

Man living alone here. Just burped quite loud and my google assistant was activated. I'm now reconsidering my life choices.

Killa Koala

@fesshole Siri on my Apple Watch is often triggered by washing my hands in the bathroom. But not in the kitchen. 🤷‍♂️

Fesshole 🧻

Had to check if I had haemorrhoids the other day and it's surprisingly hard to take a picture of your anus with a phone. Have gained a new respect for cam girls.

Fesshole 🧻

My employer added a clause in my last NDA stating that I was prohibited from saying anything "disparaging" about the company. Now when anyone asks about job postings I tell them, "I'm contractually obligated not to say anything disparaging about them." None have ever applied.

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Sayar Tyler :fediverse:

@fesshole Fun fact about any contract: They're not binding if you move to a country with no extradition treaty. ;)

Miguel Filipe

@fesshole you do you, but at that point, if this an ethical matter you should quit


@fesshole @gsuberland Usually these clauses (or the entire NDA) come with an expiration date. A new hire had such a clause and he told us when that NDA would expire. We then scheduled a meeting one day after the expiration to talk about it.

Fesshole 🧻

Sometimes, when my cat is mad at me, I pretend to be on a phone call explaining to a friend why she's the best cat in the world. It always cheers her up and she cuddles with me after. I've never told anyone until now.

Killa Koala

@fesshole Cats aren't people. Keep that in mind. Also, don't tell anyone you're friendly with this story, ever.

Blue Dahlia

@fesshole I directly apologize to my cats if I upset them - many times, repeatedly. Until now, I had not considered that maybe they forgave me because they were annoyed by repeated apologies and just want me to stop apologizing. 😹

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